Chapter 33

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It's been a few days since I told Lance about Lotor. Lotor still bugs me in school, but luckily, Keith hasn't suspected anything.

Keith and I finally finished the project, even though he kept on being annoying about his ideas.

"Let's just do it, Pidge. It's not a big deal, " Keith told me, but I wasn't having it.

"Heck no, Keith. We will stick with what we have and not what your stupid self comes up with."

"Aww," Keith says, putting a hand to his heart, "you think I am stupid?"

I shake my head, laughing. "Of course not. But can we finish this project, please? We can watch your choice of movie afterward."

It took forever, but finally, Keith listened to me and we came up with a great project idea.

Right now, we were at my house, along with Lance and Hunk. I invited them over, but Keith was pissed when he realized that he couldn't have time with me. That's why he was trapping me on the couch with him while Lance and Hunk were deciding what game we should all play.

"You know, I'm really mad at you right now," Keith said, looking down at me.

I looked back up innocently. "What for?"

"You know what Katie," he glared.

"Awww, you are so cute when you are jealous," I said, pinching his cheeks. He just scowled.

"And you guys are cute when you don't look like you want to jump each other. Now, please stop and help us decide between Monopoly and Sorry," Lance intervened. Sighing, I got up and looked at the options.

I was pretty good at both games, but I loved Monopoly. The feeling of getting others bankrupt was amazing.

"Monopoly," I said, pointing to the game.

Lance and Hunk nodded and started to set up the game.

Keith pulled me over to him, but I stopped him. "Sorry, Keithy, can't have that happening. We are playing a game, including YOU."

Keith let out a few curse words before joining us at the board.

And the game of destroying relationships began.
"Hey, you can't do that!" Keith complained as I took his money. I was laughing at his dismay. All three guys were losing money to me because I had all the railroads and dominated almost two sides of the board.

I guess they weren't happy their man pride and ego were going down the drain thanks to a 5-foot girl.

"Yes, I can Keith. Now stop whining every time someone takes your money. It's not like this is real life," I said, making Keith even more frustrated. Sighing, I leaned over and pecked his cheek, which made him shut up and turn bright red.

"Ooooooo, look's at him! Just a small innocent peck makes him all flustered. Wonder what will happen when they do the rea-"

Keith suddenly lunged at Lance, who yelped and ran out of the way. Hunk and I were laughing at them as they ran around the room.

"Lance just never knows when to shut up. It's like he enjoys provoking him," Hunk said, and I laughed, getting up to get some food from the kitchen. Hunk joined me, and while I was making some popcorn, he said something.

"So, Lance told me about Lotor."

I whipped around to look at him, shocked. Hunk knew? I thought I could trust Lance with this secret...

Hunk, looking at my face, quickly said, "Don't get mad at Lance. I could tell that something happened and me being his best friend, he told me. I swear, I will not tell a single soul, especially not Keith."

"You won't tell me what?" a voice said, and we turned around to see Keith entering the kitchen. Based on Lance's groaning, I could tell Keith caught him, but right now, I was more worried about the fact that Keith might know about Lotor.

"N-nothing," I stuttered.

"Katie...," he started.

" She just didn't want to tell you about how she wasn't getting a lot of sleep recently. All that work in school was kind of stressing her out, and she didn't want you to worry," Hunk covered, and even though it wasn't a great lie, it was better than the truth.

"Aww, Pidge," Keith said, coming up to me, "you should've told me. I could've helped you out."

Feeling guilty, I looked down and said, "I just didn't wanna worry you with something silly."

"Nothing concerning you is ever silly," he said, giving me a hug. 

The fact that he believed this relieved me. But, I still felt really bad for lying right in his face.
Once I was at my home, I quickly changed and brushed my teeth. In the middle of choosing my clothes for the next day, I heard a knock on my balcony door. Opening it, I saw Keith standing in his pajamas.

Super cute.


"Hey. What are you doing here?" I whispered, letting him in my room.

"Well, since you have trouble sleeping, I thought that I could help you sleep," he said, scratching his head.

He really was a caring boyfriend.

"Sure, but don't get caught by my brother. Otherwise, he will initiate his entire "Kill Keith" plan," I said, laughing when I saw his scared face.

I was glad that I was wearing one of my dad's shirt and boy shorts. It would've been really embarrassing if I was wearing something more... scandalous.

We both got under the covers and laid down, looking at each other. We kept some space between us, and I could tell that things were getting awkward, even if we were dating.

"So, what usually helps you sleep?" Keith asks me after a minute of silence.

I thought about it until I came up with a way, an embarrassing way.

"Well, at home, when I was younger, I used to cuddle with my stuffed wolf animal. It was basically twice the size of me so it was really comfy," I said, blushing at the memories. 

Keith thought about it before he spoke. The only difference was that his face turned a bit red. "Well, I mean, I'm not a stuffed animal or anything, but if you want, you could... um... cuddle with me. Only if you want to though. I'm just saying tha-"

"T-that would be nice," I said, full on blushing. I scooted over to him, and he quickly recovered from his shocked state. He put his arms around me and rested my head against his chest. 

It was better than cuddling with my stuffed animal.

"Thanks, Keith. Goodnight," I murmured.

"No problem Pidge. Goodnight." I thought he said something else, but I was already drifting off to my dreams.
Here is Chapter 33!

I know I took wayyyyyyyyyy to long to update, and that's because of two things.

1. I have to do a summer course before high school, and it is a pain in the butt. 

2. Writing this story is something I do when I have free time, and this summer is not giving me enough to update regularly. 

Don't worry, I'm not gonna quit this book or anything, but I won't be able to update frequently.

Now, about this chapter.

Do you think Matt will find out about Keith in Pidge's room?

When should Pidge tell Keith about Lotor? She's going to have to at some point!

Don't forget to comment and/or vote!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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