Chapter 4

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Through out the weekend Nick and I have been chatting and having video calls we planned on meeting on Monday.

At work on Monday I couldn't contain my self, I was just praying that the time will move fast for me to go and meet him.

When it was 4:20pm my superior decided to let us have our modelling class.

Perk of being a fashion student, I was supposed to close at 5pm and Nick was waiting for me. But my superior insists on me having the modelling class.

An hour and a half later I left the class with the excuse of my sisters are waiting for me at home.

When I checked my phone so many missed calls from Nick, I called him back but he didn't answer the first call but answered the second one.

"Hello, good evening I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting."  I apologised on the phone backing my things into my bag in a hurriedly manner.

"No problem I'm even gone, I waited for you and called you severally times no answer so I thought you didn't want to meet me again so I left." He replied I could hear the screeching of a car tire as he packed somewhere to talk to me.

"So our meeting didn't happen today because of me perhaps tomorrow then." I asked hopefully.

I can't believe I'm behaving like a kid, like sick love puppy. I was disappointed and a little hurt because he couldn't wait for me.

Well I'm at fault because of the modelling class I went. With a grumpy face I came downstairs and started walking towards home.

"Hey I'm just around your work meet me on your junction." Nick texted me I was beyond happy I couldn't contain my joy.

When I got to the junction I couldn't see him so I texted him. And he told me he was in a blue black car, with the hazards on, and I just spotted the car.

When I walked towards the car he was smiling at me from the drivers seat. I can't believe I have finally met Chris.

"Good evening, sorry for the delay I had a late class to attend to" I apologised as I put on my seat belt.

"No problem, how was your day by the way." He asked me as he started the car.

"It wasn't bad but hectic, how about you." I turned to asked him where we are going I don't know but are still around my work place.

"Mine wasn't bad either. Where should I take you to for dinner or drinks." He politely asked still driving at a slow pace.

"Any where but just around my work place or not far from home." I suggested.

He took me to one of the famous restaurants around it a 30min drive from my house.

We talked the whole night, we laughed and got to know more about each other. It turns out both his kid sisters where married he is the only unmarried man here.

His mum and dad got divorced but I never asked him what happened. When it was getting late he took me home. But I made him dropped me a few blocks from my house.

My sisters don't know about him yet, i want to know more about him before introducing him to my family.

He pecked my cheeks and the back of my hands before driving off.

Thank you for the votes, please share your thoughts about it.

I want you to pin point both Jasmine and Nicks faults.

😘 😘 😘


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