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Lucy, 32, lived in a lovely 3 bedroom house, with her husband of 10 years, Liam,33, her 2 adopted sons, Louis aged 12 and Zayn aged 10 and their own son, Niall aged 9.

They had fostered children for a few years, before deciding to adopt.

Louis had been in various foster homes, before coming to live with Lucy when he was 6. Zayn had only been with them for two years, his parents couldn't cope with his behaviour problems, but he's been behaving better since being with Lucy's family. The boys get on so well together.


"Liam... I've been thinking." Lucy said as they ate breakfast together once the boys had gone to school.

"Oh no! You know it's a bad thing for you to think Lucy!" He smirked, as he ate his toast.

Lucy slapped his hand lightly. "I'm being serious Li, you know Harry? Well... he's going to be placed in a foster home soon, when he's well enough to leave the hospital, could we see if we could foster him?"

Liam thought for a moment. "Are you sure that's a good idea love? From what you've told me, he's been through a lot, and we do have three kids already."

Lucy looked sadly at him. "But Li...we could make such a difference to his life. The boys would love him. I can't see him being any trouble. Please can you think about it?"

"We'll talk about it tonight. We both need to get to work." He got up, kissed her, and got his keys. "Have a good day, love you!"

"Love you too!" Lucy called, getting herself ready to go.


Harry's eyes lit up when Lucy came to his room that morning.

"Hello Harry, you look happy. How are you feeling?" She asked walking to the side of his bed.

Harry did a thumbs up and smiled, the biggest smile she's seen from him.

"That's good. Did you eat all of your breakfast?" He nodded.

"Good boy! You're doing so well." She ruffled his hair and smiled.

Harry had finally had the IVs taken out, leaving bruises on his hand which ached a little bit. He had a special Spiderman plaster put where the needle had gone in. He held his hand up to show Lucy.

"Oh wow! Look at that! Spiderman! Is he your favourite Harry?" He nodded.

"Me too!" He sat up, with a surprised look on his face.

Lucy thought for a moment, and smiled. "I'll be right back."


Ten minutes later, Lucy walked back into Harry's room. He sat up when he saw her.

"I've got something for you." She said, handing him a paper bag. "Look inside!"

Harry opened the bag and pulled out a magazine. Harry had never seen one before, not knowing what it was. He looked at the front and his face lit up, he gasped, then pointed to himself.

"Yes... it's for you. A Spiderman magazine." She flipped a page. "See... it's a story, pictures and words. Do you want to read it to me?"

Harry looked confused. He'd never read a thing in his life.

He looked at the pictures, his fingers tracing over the words. His eyes started watering.

"Harry? What's wrong?"

A tear fell from his eye and landed on the paper.

"Talk to me Harry."

"I...I d-don't know!" He whimpered.

"Know what?"

"How t-to read." He cried harder. Lucy pulled him into a hug, and let him cry. She felt so bad for assuming he knew how to read, she should've known.

"Hey... it's ok. We can make up our own story. We can look at the pictures and make up what's going on. How does that sound."

Harry looked up at her, and wiped his nose on his sleeve, his eyes were red and watery, but he'd stopped crying now.

So, that's how they spent the next half an hour. Seeing who could make up the weirdest story. Lucy was surprised that he said so much, but now he was feeling very tired. He yawned.

"I think it's time for a nap." Lucy said settling the boy down in the bed. He smiled up at her and closed his eyes.

'Time for my break'. Lucy thought.


Sat outside with a coffee, Lucy phoned Liam.

"Hey babe, how's your day?" Liam said as he answered Lucy's call.

"Good actually. Listen, I gave Harry a magazine today, but found out he can't read. He didn't even know what it was. How the hell could his parents never let him read? I'm so angry!"

"Calm down love. I'm sure he can start learning soon."

"We could do that Li. Imagine teaching him to read? The boys could help too!" She said excitedly.

"Lucy calm down please. I told you we need to discuss this properly. Please?"

"Ok...ok... I'm sorry. I just really want to help him. Can we talk about him tonight?"

"Yes...of course, now you better get back to work. I'll see you later. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

She hung up and went back to Harry.


While Harry was sleeping, she went online, looking at the fostering site they'd gone through before, taking notes, and printing out forms. She really wants Harry to live with them.

Could things be looking up for Harry?

All the love xxx

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