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Harry was hiding in the corner of his hospital room, shaking, cold and crying. He thought he was going to be in trouble, to get punished again. He was so scared.

Nurse Lucy came in and saw the empty bed and started worrying.

"Harry honey...where are you?" She said gently. She could hear tiny sniffles, and followed the sound, finding the tiny scared boy curled up in a ball, shivering.

She crouched down in front of him. "Hey... what's wrong? Come on let's get you back in bed."  Harry nodded and slowly got up, trying not to tangle his IVs.

Lucy pulled back his sheets, and Harry cried, trying to get away from her again.

"Oh love, it's ok. Don't worry. Accidents happen." She bent down and hugged Harry. He'd never been hugged before and didn't know what he should do, so he just stood there, crying.

"How about...we get you cleaned up and then you sit over here, while I change the sheets?"

Harry nodded, wiping his snotty nose on his hand.

Lucy took him into the bathroom, seeing if he needed to pee anymore, which he didn't, then cleaned him up. Taking note of the sores on his body from the beatings and bedsores. She had to stop herself from crying.

Putting him in clean pants and robe, she lead him back to his room, sitting him down, while she changed his bed.

"There we go...all fresh. In you get!"

Harry walked slowly over and got in. "S-Sorry." He whispered.

"It's ok Harry. Are you ok now?" He nodded.

"Good boy. If you need the toilet, let me know, hit the button, yeah?" She smiled.

Harry nodded and laid back on his pillow.



"Why did you neglect your son Des?"

"He's no son of mine! He ruined our lives the second he was born."

"Why did you beat him?"

"He was naughty. Naughty kids need beating."

"How was he naughty?"

"I don't remember...he just was."

"He's a small boy Des...how could you?"

"I hate him!!!"


"Did you ever beat your son Anne?"

"Fuck no! I'm not a monster!"

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"I...err...I don't know...maybe when he was four?!"

"You haven't seen your son in four years?"

"I guess not. I had no need to."

"What about doctor's and dental appointments...school...friends...family?"

"He's never been to any of those. He has no friends or family except us."

"Where's his birth certificate?"

"He don't have one. He's a secret." She whispered then laughed.

"You didn't register his birth? What about anti natal checks?"

"Nope...and didn't have any. No one knew except us two."

"Where was he born?"

"At home. The drugs helped a lot. Fucking messy though."

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