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Harry hadn't eaten for two days. He was so weak he could hardly move.

His door crashed open, scaring him, hiding under his thin bedsheet.

"WE'RE GOING OUT! DON'T MAKE ANY NOISE!" Des yelled, before turning around and slamming the door behind him.

Harry waited til he heard the front door slam. He got out of his bed slowly. He crept across the bedroom floor and open the door quietly, still not entirely sure if his parents had really left. He poked out his head and crept out of the room.

Leaning against the wall, thinking it would make him invisible, he moved along the hall then started walking down the stairs, carefully holding onto the banister.

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and waited... listening for any noise. Hearing nothing he went into the kitchen, he pulled a chair out from under the kitchen table and put it against the cupboard. He climbed up on it and opened the higher cupboards, until he found a box.

He pulled the box out and set it on the counter, getting off the chair. He opened the box, finding a mountain of chocolate biscuits. His eyes lit up and he clapped his hands. He pulled out three biscuits, moving the rest around, to make it look like none were missing, put the lid back on and placed the box back in place.

He put the chair back and picked up his biscuits, he then ran up the stairs and into his room, shutting the door.

He opened his wardrobe and went inside, he sat down and shut himself inside.

He started nibbling slowly on the biscuits. This was the first thing he'd eaten in a few days, he was going to make it last.

He finally finished the last crumbs, licked his fingers, and sat back. He wished he'd taken more, but they might have noticed, and he didn't want to seem greedy.

Sitting on the wardrobe floor was making his already sore bum worse, so he climbed out and sat back on his bed.

He wondered where his Mum and Dad had gone.

They go out a lot, leaving Harry alone. Sometimes they don't even bother telling him they're going out. He gets scared on his own, he wouldn't know what to do if there was a fire or something.


"WAKE UP BOY!" Des crashed through Harry's door making him jump.


Harry burst into tears, pulling his knees up to his chest. Why do they hate him so much?

He ate the sandwich, despite the bread being mouldy. He was so hungry, he'd eat anything.

Unfortunately for Harry, an hour later he felt sick. His tiny stomach couldn't cope with the mouldy food and he had to rush to the bathroom to be sick.

He cried for his Mum, he still loved his parents, despite what they do to him.

He crawled back to his bed, feeling awful. He soon fell asleep.


Harry's parents had started doing things they shouldn't. They don't care though, they were having a good time. They forgot they had a child.

They started inviting"friends" over. They'd sit and drink, smoke, take drugs, and have sex all while Harry was upstairs, alone and unloved.

Harry was scared that some stranger would come into his room, so he would barricade himself in when he heard people downstairs.


One night was particularly bad. The noise downstairs was so loud, people were shouting and screaming. Music was blaring through speakers.

The smell of drugs wafted up the stairs to Harry's room. The smell turned his tummy.

He hid under his bedsheet and cried.

Then, there was an almighty crash and more shouts. The music stopped. Harry wondered what was happening.

There was a thud on his bedroom door, someone was trying to come in. Harry got off his bed and hid under it. The door kept being bashed, until it suddenly burst open.

"Search the room." He heard a man say, as three people came in. They were looking everywhere.

"Under here!" One of them said, Harry looked up and saw the face of a young man. "It's ok. We're here to help you. You're safe with us." He smiled.

Harry didn't know if he was telling the truth so he didn't move.

"Come on. I promise you'll be safe." He held out his hand, and Harry tentitavely took it, crawling towards the man.

"There you go!" He said calmly. He picked Harry up easily as he weighed next to nothing, and carried him outside. He was wrapped in a blanket and handed over to a woman.

"Hello love. We're going to take care of you ok? There's nothing to be scared of.

He was placed into the back of an ambulance.

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING OUR SON?" Des yelled. He was ignored as he and his wife were placed in handcuffs and thrown into the back of a police van.

The ambulance doors were closed and Harry was whisked away. Finally away from his life of hell.

My poor baby

All the love xxx

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