Chapter 11: All Around

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"Peter if you don't get your cute little ass out here with your flag, I'm gonna break up with you!" Wade was calling out to me, while I on the other hand was getting ready for Pride.

"Each time you say that, it only makes me wanna take longer. You won't leave, you would miss me too much." I exited my bathroom after adjusting my trans flag around my neck to wear as a cape. I don't know how others would feel about a super hero coming out as transgender, but I hope it inspires those to be able to be themselves.

"Okay here's the plan babe, you swing us in together; give out some autographs; then change into normal clothes and we reappear as Wade and Peter." he rehashed our plan for Pride and then pulled me in for a swift kiss.

Months had passed since all the big events, May and Ben's deaths', Flash and his wrath getting cancelled, and Betty going completely insane. She's still probably out there, but Spider-Man hasn't gone out for quite some time, so she hasn't been a terror. It was finally Pride month, and New York was the place where it was big. This wasn't my first Pride parade, but I'm filled to the brim with excitement to be going with my boyfriend and superfamily.

"This is exactly why I'm madly in love with you." holy shit wait, backtrack, this was the first time I told him that. I know it's been a few months, but we started dating at the beginning of February. Falling in love is a bit tricky for timing, and sometimes it can take 3 months, 4 months, longer or shorter, who knows. I've been focused on Wade quite a lot actually, but I never focused on love because I was more focused on keeping us all safe from Betty.

"What?" he stared at me blankly, blinking at me a few times to process what had just been said by me.

"I'm in love with you Wade. I'm sorry I took so long to say it, but with all these horrendous things piling on top of one another, my focus went to all that's happened. Then, I was a bit scared to tell you, I didn't know if you would reject me." I hung my head low, waiting for him to respond.

"Peter, you web-slinging dummy, my web-slinging dummy, I'm in love with you too." he pulled my head up by my chin with his hand and closed the space between us with a kiss.


"I know,"

"Shut up Pool, let's go." I laughed and smacked the back of his head lightly. We put our masks on and left my room with drawstring bags containing our normal clothes. Upon entering the living room, it was obvious the rest of the Avengers were ready. Steve and Bucky were in normal clothes with a bisexual and rainbow flag, while my dads were sharing a rainbow one. The others were dressed in everyday clothes as well, rather than their suits of course. They all wanted to go to be supportive and come along with us to the event.

"We ready to go or what?" Wade said, even though we had all started heading out before he even said that.

The air felt warm and breezy, making the weather feel quite nice and better than usual. Lately it's either been misty in the streets or disgustingly hot. The weather is pretty shit sometimes when it's summer time.

Once we all arrive at Pride via our van, the others go off to explore, leaving Wade and I to surprise our fans, my fans at least. I sneak us up to one of the highest buildings there while wade was holding onto me, "Uh Spidey, you sure we ain't gonna fall?"

"Firstly, 'ain't' isn't a word babe, and second, no, we won't fall. Trust me, I've done this a million times before," once we're up high I tell him to hold on tight and we start swinging through the Pride parade that had started. "Hello New York! How's everyone doing?" I don't think the people of NY expected me to be swinging around here, but they definitely didn't mind.

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