Chapter 1: Disconcertment

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Just another night swinging through Queens, New York. Patrolling was one of my favourite things to do, considering it was always good to help clear my head and keep New York safe. I was around MJ's apartment, so I decided to swing by.

I landed quietly on my feet outside the open window to see her studying. "Well hello Miss Jones. What are you doing on this fine Wednesday night?"

"Studying. Just like you should be for our big exam tomorrow. You know it counts for half our grade right?" she said, while throwing her pencil at me. I caught it with my quick reflexes and threw it back at her.

"I've got it all up here." I point to my head and continue talking. "Besides, I have better things to do than some measley studying."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" she raised her eyebrow, staring at me intently, waiting for an answer.

"Like maybe make a new friend out on patrol or something. Who knows."

"Well Parker, I hate to kick you out, but I gotta finish studying." she said, while jokingly shooing me away. I said my goodbye and left her apartment while swinging to another building, and sat on top of it. Whilst thinking about the people in my life, a new one popped up out of nowhere. My spidey senses tingled, sending me into attack mode. I heard a deep manly voice scream, thinking the guy was in his twenties. He was wearing a deep red and black suit with katanas and guns strapped to his back and sides.

"OH MY SPEARS, BRITNEY! IS THAT SPIDER-MAN?! HOLY FUCK I LOVE YOU!" he screeched. While his face was covered by a mask, it was easily noticeable that he seemed shocked, as seen from the slight expression molding in the fabric.

"Uh, yeah? That's me." I responded, with a slight wave, adjusting my posture to appear more masculine.

He started walking up to me and pulled a picture of me and a pen out of his pocket. "CAN YOU PLEASE SIGN THIS PICTURE I TOOK OF YOU THAT ONE TIME THAT I TOTALLY DIDN'T STALK YOU WITH A CAMERA TO GET A PICTURE OF YOUR ASS, SWEETUMS?!" The guy wouldn't stop yelling. I didn't even know his name or anything.

"I will if you stop yelling and tell me who you are dude," I said, grabbing the pen and picture.

"I'M DEADPOOL! I mean, I'm Deadpool. Your biggest fan. I have all of your merch. I have a poster and a watch and- OH LOOK AT THE TIME! It's so late. Oh jeez. Well who needs sleep anyway? Am I right? LOOK, I'M EVEN WEARING UNDERWEAR WITH YOUR FACE ON IT." I signed the picture while he rambled on and didn't even question it. I've never been used to being 'famous' but didn't think people actually bought merchandise of me. Was this guy on drugs or just too much caffeine?

"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm 18 darling. I know you're probably in your twenties so you can steal my heart anytime you want." with that said, he blew me a kiss.

"Actually, I'm 16, soon to be 17, but, yeah." I scratched the back of my head. Man, this guy was kind of annoying. "Anyway, uh, I gotta go. It's a school night." and with that, I swung away and saw him blow one last kiss to me.

Once I got home, I changed out of my Spidey gear, my chest binder and my packer. Pulling on a big hoodie, I got into basketball shorts and did a quick check over my notes for the exam tomorrow. Of course I'd pass it. I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep at my desk, exhausted over exams and school, crime fighting as well. It didn't even have to be that day, I was just always so tired from it. But it's my job to always look out for the little guy.

Waking up the next morning, there was some drool on my notebook. I looked at my phone, realizing I'd be late if I didn't get ready now. Skipping a shower, I got into my binder and layered on a shirt, zip up hoodie, and then a jacket. I placed my packer correctly and put on some dark blue jeans, pulling on my black converse as well. Brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, got my bag, ran out of my room and I was ready to go. Saying a quick goodbye to my Aunt May and Uncle Ben that morning, I was out the door ready to ride the subway to school.

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