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"For mummy." Johnathan states handing her a little crown he had made. 

 Johnathan hadn't made it he had help from Miss Florence on creating a crown from vines and flowers for Victoria. But it was the thought that made Victoria smile. Even without having Francis by her side he was developing his kind nature which is what she prayed for him to inherit. Victoria bent slightly as Johnathan stood on the chair next to her so he could place it on her head slightly wonky but she did not mind at all. Jonathan squealed with delight at the sight of his creation on his mothers head as she just smiled at him pulling him into a massive hug kissing his forehead gently. Tickling him to make him laugh and of course it did as he laughed at most things. 

"Your majesty there is a person at the door asking to speak to you." Miss Florence states as Victoria turns her attention to the woman sighing helping Johnathan down from the chair as Miss Florence picked him up ready to take him to the nursery. 

"Who?" Victoria questions. 

"The man says he is the leader of the court. Goes by the name of Harold Gissin your majesty." Miss Florence explains as Victoria sighs deeply knowing she was not able to get out of this confrontation whether she wanted to or not. 

"Thank you send him to the office." Victoria states heading to the office taking a seat in her chair. 

The man before her was one she had never seen before. Mostly because she had only ever seen Gulliver from the court but she knew there was a whole group of them. His hair was much like Francis' blond like hay with eyes a dark almost emerald like green that would catch perfectly in the candle light. Victoria's breathe caught in her throat as he took a seat in front of her a devilish smile much like Gulliver's plastered on his porcelain face lit only by the candle on her desk in between the two of them. 

"You wish to speak with me Mr Gissin." Victoria states breaking the uncomfortable silence within the room that had fallen since the moment he stepped on foot inside. 

"Your majesty. You have caused quite a stir recently with your actions. On behalf of the court we are offering you a word of warning. If you do not sign those abdication papers there will be repercussions." Harold explains as Victoria frowns at him straightening slightly in her chair. It was clear this was not going to be a nice conversation at all. He came here with intentions to scare her and she was not going to allow it. 

"I am sorry Mr Gissin. I shall not be signing the abdication papers." Victoria simply states taking a deep breathe as her eyes started to cloud over. 

Rising from the seat Harold placed his hand on the left side of his jacket lifting it slightly. Leaning closer to Victoria. She stayed sat still not challenging him at all. This was her decision and Mr Warwick was right this country deserved to have a leader like her present. To be the reason House Demure fell back into disarray would make her feel awful. She was the light not only for the people but for even another Queen to be possible which was one of the best feelings anyone could have. It was hard to sit in front of the papers and actually say no one flick of the pen and it was all normal but even with the sleepless night she would not have it any other way. 

"Victoria ... " Harold begins but Victoria cuts him off.

"You do not address me by my first name." 

Harold clears his throat not expecting her to snap at him over the use of her name it was just a name. But still he was going to keep the upper hand within this confrontation. He was ordered by the court to do his duty and force Victoria's hand into giving up the crown whether it took blood shed or not. 

"Your majesty. You have done nothing but go against the courts wishes. We ordered you to find a possible suitor to rule along side you. You banished him and had him murdered. Your court representative was hung because of your orders calling him a traitor. You have placed this house under lock without our permission. Do I need to go on Miss Teller?" Harold continues his voice raising ever so slightly with each admission he made about Victoria and what she had done. It was all correct there was no doubt about that. 

Rising from her seat she moved around the desk without saying a word to Mr Gissin. Her eye contact firmly with him as he visibly gulped stepping back slightly.

"Do not utter my surname ever again. Everything I have done has been for this family whether you all at the court believe it or not. House Demure went from a laughing stock when I was a servant to a flourishing House that the people flock to when in need. Look at the other houses before you come to mine and tell me I have more blood on my hands than them." Victoria warned her protective instincts seeping out of her as she ever so kindly retaliated. 

She was not about to allow Mr Gissin get away with talking to her in this way just because she was a woman. He would not talk to the Valois or any other house for that matter who have a male leader like this. Mr Gissin dropped his hand from the side of his jacket.

"Sign the abdication papers and it all goes away." Mr Gissin responds 

"You did nothing when I was targeted by the Valois family. A simple servant who had caught the eye of Francis. They ruined me in hopes I would never marry him. I was forced into having a child by you the court when Francis and I were very much not ready. After the birth of my daughters you forced Gulliver out of my home and back into the court so you could make me look for possible suitors. I have had countless attacks on my house and my people for your own benefit.  If I was so much of a weak woman Mr Gissin I would have run that night when the Valois family came for me a poor servant girl. Signing those papers cannot make the  suffering I have faced in the hands of your court go away. Thus I shall not. Goodbye Mr Gissin." Victoria explains walking towards the doorway of the office Mr Gissin following behind her thankfully he couldn't argue with her. She had the final say. 

" You will regret your decision your majesty." Mr Gissin states as Victoria shuts the door behind him breathing a sigh of relief. 

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