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Victoria sat on the floor with Alessandra in her arms as Aurelia struggled to crawl around her. But she was giving it a good go. Johnathan bounded over to her holding a block in his hand he began to pull funny faces at Aurelia who tried desperately to take it from him. Which was very unsuccessful and so Victoria had to intervene.

"Johnathan. Give the block to your sister." Victoria states and Johnathan's little head turns to face her and he broke out into a fit of giggles as he realised he was doing something he shouldn't be doing.

"Johnathan please." Victoria warned and handed the block over to Aurelia who quickly tried to crawl with it in the palm of her right hand.

Victoria watched in aww at her three children and thought about how much Francis would have spoiled them completely. The three of them looking like mini versions of him apart from the fact Alessandra's hair seemed to be turning a darker blonde leaning towards a more brunette look. Miss Florence carefully walked into the room as Johnathan bounded over to her with glee. Making Victoria smile and look up at Miss Florence as she bent down next to her.

"There you are ma'am Xavier is asking to hold a dinner party at the end of the week but I thought I would check with you first." Miss Florence asks simply and Victoria turns her attention to Alessandra as she began sucking on her finger leaving a wet trail on Victoria's hand.

"No." Victoria states and Miss Florence gasps slightly at Victoria's abruptness.

"No. I don't want to have a dinner party. I need to make sure he is right for this family. This union could go horribly wrong if not dealt with properly. I have three children to protect alongside a whole country. He is on trial and therefore no diner party." Victoria explains and Miss Florence nods standing up from her bent position heading to the door

"Oh wait. Miss Florence can you call for Gulliver. He hasn't visited in a while and I am getting worried about him." Victoria says and Miss Florence nods

" Of course ma'am." Miss Florence responds and Victoria smiles softly

As , Johnathan takes it as an opportune time to steal the block from Aurelia which does not go down very well for either of them.

"Johnathan please. Play nicely. Give it back to your sister." Victoria warns and Johnathan huffs about in annoyance for a while before deciding to give it back to Aurelia.

"Where daddy?" Johnathan asks Victoria softly and she bites her lip

"off being the best king in the whole world." Victoria says and Johnathan shakes his head

"G?" Johnathan asks and Victoria smiles at him sadly

"He hasn't been very well. But he promises to come soon and take you to the duckies." Victoria explains as simply as possible and Johnathan nods his head a couple of times clearly trying to understand what Victoria had just told him.

Suddenly Miss Florence walked back into the room and Victoria knew something was wrong.

"I called for Gulliver ma'am but Miss Ingham said he is still too unwell to travel. But she did say he should hopefully be on the mend soon." Miss Florence states and Victoria frowns

"Something isn't right. I am going to make a personal house call." Victoria says standing up from the floor placing Alessandra in her crib

"Can you please look after the children." Victoria continues without giving Miss Florence a second to try and stop her.

Heading to her room she got her red cloak that had been gathering dust in her wardrobe out putting it on. Making sure the hood was on properly to try to disguise her slightly from everyone as she slipped out of the house. Knocking on the door of Gulliver's house she waited for Miss Ingham to answer the door. Which she thankfully did.

"This is unexpected ma'am. umm. Gulliver isn't." Miss Ingham starts but Victoria stops her passing.

Miss Ingham couldn't say no to the Queen which obviously worked in Victoria's favour this time. Walking straight to the room she presumed he would be in , his bedroom. Opening the door she found Gulliver slumped over his desk deep in writing. Clearing her throat to get his attention. Gasping in shock as he saw Victoria stood in front of him.

"Lying to your Queen I see. I could have you executed dear Gulliver." Victoria states and Gulliver tries to come up with an excuse but Victoria raises her hand to stop him.

"Why are you saying you're unwell when you are in good health." Victoria says and Gulliver looks away continuing to write

"I thought I should give you and Xavier space. Victoria. I should have always distanced myself." Gulliver says and Victoria sighs

"The children and I need you more than Xavier please come back." Victoria pleads and Gulliver knows when she askes her cannot say no. She is the queen of course.

"I am sorry ma'am but I am needed here besides you need to give him a chance if you want to continue forward in this game." Gulliver states looking back down at the paper he was writing

"Are you trying to tell me how to rule dear Gulliver ? Do you question my authority as Queen?" Victoria asked and he shook his head still not looking up at her

"No Ma'am. In this game women always fail without a male by their side. Think of your children not just your title." Gulliver states and Victoria bites her lip

" I will not fail. Even if it kills me. I will give my children the security they deserve with or without you by my side." Victoria states and heads out the door.

"It is for the best." Gulliver mumbles to himself as he finishes off what he is writing folding it and placing it in the drawer of his desk.

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