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All of the townspeople had left with the boxes of vegetables after the meal was over. The soldiers had cleared out the Elise family through sheer force and Victoria's mind turned to marriage. The crown wars began again next month and she knew she need to get someone on side. To lessen the load of it all. The last crown wars she sat through she had Francis by her side.

Sitting by the desk she began to write a letter to Xaiver.

Dearest Xaiver ,

I am writing to you because I want to take your hand in marriage. As Queen I choose you. Please come to House Demure promptly so we can ensure the service happens before the crown wars begin in about a eight months time,

Yours V

Victoria signed folding the paper in half just as her door opened and in walked the man she had just been writing to.

" Oh Hello Xaiver I was just writing you a letter." Victoria says rising her her seat as he bowed to her.

" I came to apologise for what happened to the townspeople. It was out of my hands. " Xaiver stars and Victoria raises her hand to stop him

" I do not care Xaiver. The people are fine and now I wish to accept your offer of hand in marriage. Sure it has been a rocky start but I needed time. But now it has to be done. I want to be married before the crown wars, create a strong unite of two powerful families against the Valois. It must be done." Victoria says and Xaiver is speechless.

" I shall announce it to the country.Let's get married tomorrow" Xaiver suggests and Victoria shakes her head.

" The wedding will happen on the eve of the starting date of the crown wars. It is the perfect time to consummate the Union of two families. I will send out the announcement tonight. But for now you must move into the Demure grounds, The East wing has been unoccupied for a long time you can stay there." Victoria states and Xaiver nods.

" If you wish ma'am anything for you and to be your King." Xaiver whispers in her ear causing a shiver to run down her spin as he took the string of her corset in his hand.

" Soon this will all be mine and we will be one big happy family." Xaiver whispers again in her ear causing his hot breath to fan across her neck as he kissed her jaw pulling her hair out of the low bun it was in causing her to gasp.

" Xaiver this is inappropriate. We must not have this type of relationship till marriage." Victoria said breathlessly as her mind flickered to the time she thought she had forgotten.

When they ripped her dress from her body. Running their hands all over something that wasn't theirs to begin with. Robbing her of the one thing she owned in this game. Pushing him away slightly he frowned.

" No one will know dear Victoria. Besides we all know your not a virgin Queen. We have heard stories in the Elise household." Xaiver says and Victoria manages to get herself away from him.

" Those stories are not real Gulliver and I never slept together before , during or after my husband and I . Sure I was not a virgin when I married him but he knew that, he took me for what I was even after I almost killed him. The Valois men took my virginity , knowing it would have been the one thing precious to Francis thinking he wouldn't want me because I was ruined. But he took me with open arms and if you can't deal with that Xaiver and you want me to be the whore everyone thinks I am from the stories you have heard in court from the Elise and the Valois. There is the door. I won't engage in sexual relations until that ring is in my finger." Victoria shouts at him leaving him shocked

No one knew if the nature of what happened to Victoria they all just put her down as a fallen woman who charmed Francis. Used the innocent exterior of a kind woman to lead everyone on like a siren would would lead men to the shore with a beautiful song and kill them. But now he knew and he couldn't Go back.

" Victoria I am so sorry I shouldn't have assumed." Xaiver says

" Sorry isn't going to bring it back , sorry isn't going to stop everyone calling me the Whore Queen of Demure in the Valois and Elsie family. It's the one thing they use to try and spread ill word about me as a Queen. I don't need you to go back to your family and say that is what I am. If that's what you want go sell the story say I came onto you when I asked for your hand in marriage. Say I pulled my hair from my bun to charm you. I don't care. You wouldn't be the first person and you sure as hell won't be the last man. I shouldn't have thought about marrying you for power. Your all poisoned by what's said. Give a man an inch he takes a mile."Victoria rants and turns away from him but,he does not move.

" What do I have to do to prove I am not like them. Please I promise. I haven't ever been with another woman I assumed you could be intimate with a women if you were going to get married. Well that's what my father said.Besides everyone knew you weren't a virgin so it didn't need to be saved for the wedding day. No one would have know if we had a little kiss or maybe more. Teach me Victoria please." Xaiver begged and Victoria turned to him

" You have one chance."

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