Hurricane Katrina More Like Hurricane Tortilla

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"HEY KAT," you yelled while banging on his door ruthlessly."Yeah yeah, I'm coming" he said way calmer than yesterday. "Did you already tame the beast" Deni whispered into your ear. "More or less," you stated calmly. "What do you want brat," he said with a sigh after opening his door. "Are you doing anything right now?" you asked. "No, not really," he said while leaning on his door frame. "Could you make us some Mexican food?" you said brightly. "No, what the heck," he said slamming the door in your face. "I DIDN'T WANT IT TO COME TO THIS" you yelled loud enough for Bakugo to hear from inside his door. "BUT REMEMBER THAT TIME IN HIGH SCHOOL WHEN YOU-". The door suddenly swung open and Bakugo put his hand over your mouth. "Fine," he sighed solemnly. "Yay!!," you exclaimed while jumping up and down. You started walking to the kitchen area when Sero suddenly asked you." Do you just always get your way" he questioned nervously. "More or less," you stated with a small smile."Do you even have ingredients?" Bakugo asked with a grimace. "Yeah Mina got out of class a couple of minutes ago so I told her to grab Kirishima and get some stuff," you said checking the time. 

You guys finally made it to the kitchen area and sat on the counter. "Oh, by the way, Kat this is Sero Hanta," you said pointing in Sero's direction. "And Sero this is Bakugou Katscrappy," you said gesturing to Bakugo. "THAT'S NOT MY DANG NERD YOU FRIKIN BRAT" Kat yelled. "I DIDN'T ASK YOU FRIKIN HOT HEADED BOOTYHOLE" you yelled back. 

Suddenly Mina and Kirishima walked in with a bunch of grocery bags. "Hey, guys," you said with a sudden switch of tone of voice. "Something is seriously wrong with them" Sero mumbled under his breath. "Yup," Bakugo and Denki nodded. "Oh and Kirishima and Mina this is Sero our new friend". You said pointing to Sero. "(Y/n) did you kidnap someone again" Mina scolded sternly with a disappointed look on her face. "What no" you laughed it off and quickly whispered into Mina's ear. "You can't just say stuff like that it's embarrassing moooom" you whined. Kirishima just giggled and went to go talk to the boys. 

"ALRIGHT GUYS LET'S MAKE SOME BURRITOS" you yelled enthusiastically. "YEAH" everyone cheered except for Bakugo who did more of a grunt. You guys started taking out the ingredients and asking Kat what to do with them. Suddenly you saw what had inspired you to ask to make burritos in the first place. "Kirishima throws the tortillas at me," you asked him who gave you a confused nod. Once Kirhisma had thrown the tortillas out you which took a few times because you insisted on catching it you finally caught it. "Hurricane Katrina more like hurricane tortilla," you said with a violent wheeze.

Everyone laughed or giggled except for Bakugo who had just finished cooking all the meat and vegetables and muttered "crackheads" under his breath. Once you guys had finished wrapping up your burritos with a lot of help from Bakugo you guys dug in. "Thank you, Kat," you all exclaimed softly. "Whatever" he mumbled under his breath. After a very filling meal, you all headed upstairs to your dorm. Once you guys were done acting like complete crackheads and bothering the heck out of Kat mama Mina reminded you all that we had classes tomorrow. "Awww," you all whined. Except for Bakugo who muttered a quiet "Finally". "Well, goodnight everyone I need my beauty sleep," you said ushering everyone out of your room. "Goodnight you butt heads," you said with a small yawn. "Goodnight (Y/n)" they said before going there separate ways. You then proceeded to change into a hoodie and undergarments and yeeted to sleep

A/N: So here's like the second part I guess. Once again it's like 2:00 am and I have no actual idea why I'm awake so yeah. I'm gonna head to sleep because you kinda need sleep to survive. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter remember I'm always open to requests, criticism, and suggestions I love you guys :3. (and this chapter has 666 words and I'm not really in the mood to deal with demons).

【my pikachu】  ᵏ. ᵈᵉⁿᵏⁱحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن