Chapter one ~ Morning before the storm

Start from the beginning

He retrieved the stool and put it in front of the stove. Kaya climbed on the stool and poured some batter on the pan, waiting for it to bubble on the edges, then she flipped the pancake with the spatula.

She repeated these steps on the next pancake. Before she was able to pour the batter for the next pancake, however, she was interrupted by a small voice. Kumajirou was on the floor next to the stove."Food." he repeated, looking up at Kaya.

"Kumajirou, stop bothering Kaya, I'll get you some food," Canada said from the counter.

"Who are you?" Kuma asked.

"It's Oos, Kuma! Canada!" Kaya exclaimed with a laugh, while Canada just sighed.

He was reviewing his host speech on his laptop, not that the speech was going to matter when no one was going to see him. Sighing, Canada closed the lid of the computer and walked toward the fridge to get some fish. He grabbed the packet of fish and placed some in Kuma's bowl.

Kuma started to eat away as if he was starving. Canada sighed again, while Kaya laughed.

Canada looked at his laptop, then back to his daughter, who was happily making a fourth pancake. He decided to start making some bacon with Kaya, instead of worrying over a speech no one was going to listen to.

"Oos! I finished making the johnny cakes" Kaya proclaimed proudly with a plate of pancakes in her hands.

Canada, who was still cooking the bacon, looked up and smiled at her. "Put the plate on the table and wait for me there, I will be there with the bacon in a bit." Canada answered.

Kaya ran to the other room with the pancakes. Canada took the bacon from the pan and placed it on a plate. Before Canada took the bacon to the other room, he checked the time on the stove. It was currently 10:00 AM. Canada sighed for the fourth time today, he knew he would have to start his busy day soon.

Canada walked into the room and walked to the small table near the window. Kaya was also looking out the window, she was watching the animals running around in the fields outside. Canada placed the plate on the table as he sat down. Kaya turned around excitedly while Canada served the pancakes.

After Canada did his little prayer, which Kaya didn't participate in, but she respected Canada's religion, they dug into the pancakes. "I haven't had your johnnycakes in so long Oos, they're so good~" Kaya said happily from her place on the table.

Canada smiled gently at her. "Well, you did help me, so we both made really good pancakes!" He exclaimed proudly with a smile.

"So, Oos, are you going to another meeting with the other countries today?" Kaya asked.

Canada nodded. "Wait, how did you know that?" He questioned, looking at her suspiciously.

"Well, you sighed a lot today, and you do that when you go to meetings so I thought you might be going today."

Canada sighed again, then put on a smile. "Yes, I am going to a meeting today, in parliament, and guess who's coming with me?" Canada said with a smile.

Kaya's beautiful violet eyes suddenly light up. "Am I going with you?!" She answered, looking up at Canada.

Canada nodded "Métis is going to meet us there and then you two are going to be with Ottawa and Ontario in the building while I have a meeting. Quebec will meet up with us after my meeting and we will go somewhere fun. Everyone else will meet up with us tomorrow."

Kaya was bouncing in her seat with a happy look on her face, quickly eating her pancakes so she can head out.

Once they were finished, Kaya hurriedly took the plates and rushed to the kitchen to put them in the sink.

"Oos! Hurry up! Let's go!" Kaya said excitedly. Canada let out a happy sigh.

"Go upstairs and get changed, ok? I'm going to put these dishes in the dishwasher." he answered, heading to the sink. Kaya nodded and ran up the stairs, hair flying in the air, to her room to get changed.

Canada placed the dishes into the dishwasher and put his laptop in his working bag. He walked up the stairs, Kumajirou following him, to go get changed.

"Why do you go to these meetings when you're not going to get noticed?" Kuma asked while Canada was changing.

Canada paused for a moment, looking for reasons before speaking. "Ukraine is going to be there and the kids love her and this is in my country so I might as well be there, Kumasanto..." he responded with his thinking face on.

Kuma just looked at him, before laying back on the bed. Canada stared at him, almost judging him before looking through his closet for his suit. When Canada was finished, he picked up Kumajirou and walked out of the bedroom door.

He headed to the front door. There he saw Kaya with her coat on and a bag on her back, holding Canada's briefcase.

"Hurry Oos! I want to get there early!" She said excitedly shoving the work bag towards Canada.

"Ok ok, let me put my coat on first." Canada giggled.

He put his coat on and held Kaya's hand in his left hand, he took his work bag in his right and head out the door.

He put his coat on and held Kaya's hand in his left hand he had his work bag and head out the door with Kaya skipping beside him.

Kaya walked down the stairs excitedly, dragging Canada down with her.

Canada let her hand go so that she can get in the car. Kaya sat in her car seat with her arms crossed as Canada put her seat belt. Kuma jumped on the back seat next to Kaya and laid down.

Canada got into the front seat and turned on the car. He looked back at Nunavut, who already had a pencil and paper out. He looked back on the road and headed for parliament hill.

Parliament was only 10 minutes away when Nunavut started to speak. "Oos, can I have some Timmy's hot chocolate?" she asked with the strongest puppy eyes she can muster. Canada needed coffee to deal with the other nations, so why not. "Alright, Kaya, I need a double-double anyways"

"Yay!!!" Kaya cheered, pumping a fist in the air, startling the poor bear next to her. They stopped at the closest Tim Hortons, going through the drive-thru.

Kaya was in the back, drinking her hot chocolate happily, Canada happily drinking his coffee as well.

Finally, at the parliament, Canada parked the car. Kaya bouncing in her seat waiting for Canada to undo her seatbelt. Canada got out and opened the door and Kuma hopped out, while Canada was getting Kaya out of her seat.

Kaya hopped to the ground from Canada's arm standing beside him and holding his hand, her other hand holding Canadas' briefcase. She pulled Canada towards the building. While she leads the way, Canada checked the time on his watch, it was 1:00 PM, right on time.

Inside the building, Canada and Kaya walked down the hall to the room beside the meeting room. There waited Honi (Métis), sitting on the couch reading a book. She noticed them walk in and stood up, putting her book to the side.

"Kwe-kwe (hello), Tokota and Kaya, how are you?" she said optimistically, scooping Kaya in her arms and giving Canada a kiss on the cheek (french greeting).

"Hello, Honi, I'm doing fine, I would be doing better if I didn't have to go to that G8 meeting" he sighed. "How about you Honi."

"I'm doing good, oh! And if you're wondering, Ontario is in the meeting room setting it up" Honi answered.

"I better go help him then, eh? I'll see you and Kaya after the meeting" he said while leaving out the door.

"I'm gonna stay here, eh Canadiana" Kuma shouted from the couch.

Canada rolled his eyes. "Okay, Kumekoru! Just behave!" he hollered back.

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