Chapter 3: in Tom's mind

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Tom's POV (WOW! 0u0)


After DADA many people were talking about the Duel, they all were whispering and questioning how the New student could beat me. I was wondering the same thing, so I went to go find her. I didn't see her leave so I went back into the classroom, there I saw (Y/n) on the floor. I walked up to her and saw she was bleeding out of her head, where the hell is the teacher!? I cheeked her puls and she was still alive. I picked her up and carried her to Madam Pomfrey. 

"Oh dear, what happened?" She asked while looking over at us as we walked in.

"I don't know. I think it was during our Duel in DADA." I said as I set her down on one of the beds. Madam Pomfrey nodded and came up here and used her magic to heal a wound that was on the back of her head. 

"You should head to class." Madam Pomfrey said while setting a pillow under (Y/n)'s head.

"I have a free period right now," I said with a fake smile. She nodded and let me stay as it was visiting hours anyways, There was no one else in the Hospital wing so it was very quiet. 

I sat there and looked at the sleeping (Y/n). She looked so peaceful asleep. Madam Pomfrey kept looking over at me, probably to make sure I'm not doing anything to (Y/n), Since I'm a Slytherin I guess. Her body twitches as she opens her eyes and looks around, spotting me.

"Hello, Tom. Why am I here?" her brows furrowed as she notices something. "Why are you here?"  She looked so confused.

"Well, you were bleeding from your head, so I brought you here. I don't want you to die." She looked at me in the eyes for a moment then looked away. Madam Pomfrey came in and saw she was awake.

"Oh. look who is awake, You seem fine, you can go now if you like but, if you feel dizzy take this." she hands (Y/n) a potion and (Y/n) nodded. She got up and started to walk away. I thanked  Madam Pomfrey and followed after (Y/n).  She was walking towards the library. We didn't say anything to each other the entire way there. 

"Tom?" She looks up at me. "Why are you walking with me? I thought you hated everyone." She said with such a straight face like she knew that it was true, and I do. I thought for a moment. I didn't know why I was walking with her.

"Because I want to," I said like she should have known that already.  She nodded at that and walked into the library. She looked around and walked over a corner seat, grabbed a book and began to read.  I sat across from her and just watched her read, NO! It wasn't creepy! I got out my... journal... and began to write in it. 

After a while, I looked up and saw (Y/n) just staring at me, my face started to heat up and my chest started to feel as if there were millions of butterflies in it, what is this feeling? I fell like I'm going the throw-up. She smiled slightly and went back down to reading her book. I smiled slightly too, then the bell rang and it was time for lunch. We both got up and walked into the great hall. I  was so questioning why I was walking with her, I just need to ask her to become... friends... It's not that hard, so why am I having such a hard time trying to ask her.

(Y/n) went and sat on her own and I went to the Slytherin table and sat with my 'friends'.  We started to talk about my plan on taking over the world and killing all the muggles and Muggle-borns of the world, but my mind kept thinking of (Y/n) for some reason. I kept glancing over at her and she was talking with some other guy. They were laughing, I wish I was the one to make her laugh. Wait, what am I saying, I shouldn't be thinking this. I went back to talking about the plan. 

The bell rang and I went to charms. When I entered, (Y/n) was talking to Professor McGonagall, how the hell did she get here before me!? I didn't see her pass me. I sat down in my seat in the back and waited for class to start. I see (y/n) sit down in front of the class. When she sat down all the other students come in the room and sat down. A boy with brown hair came and sat next to her. I knew who exactly who he was, Orion Black, A boy in the school who is known for leaving a trail of broken hearts. They started to talk to each other and something Orion said made (Y/n)'s face goes red. I don't know why, but that made me mad, jealous even. I mean, I just meet this girl, why am I jealous? I shouldn't be. I'm the greatest Wizard of all time, I will make her pay for making me feel this way, but I need to use her first. I need to make her trust me. I need to become her friend...

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