Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

The punters were actually getting annoyed with me because I kept winning and when they bet on me, they were getting less returns. My odds had been getting lower and lower but I know one day they'll get pissed off and just throw me into the ring with someone a lot older and experienced and that will definitely hurt. That or Stanley will ask me to throw the fight, but for now he said he enjoyed the annoyed looks on his punters. I was only a low level fighter, he had bigger fish to fry.

I'd only broken a couple of fingers so far. A few ribs had been bruised but the fights were not that challenging. I was always training if I wasn't spending time in the ring or with Megan and I'd found a real knack for reading people which was helpful. I always tried to get into their head first as well to mess with them. That usually did the most damage before any punch was thrown.

"I just feel like we'd get more attention if he wasn't around as often. Did you say that Megan didn't know?" Jay asked. I heard the scraping of chairs so I assumed they were sitting down. The hiss of cans opening followed soon after.

"Jay don't be a twat. It isn't Jamie's fault why all this is happening. It is your mum and you know it. She is sending you away for the summer so you can spend it with your Uncle Nathaniel in France."

What? When was this happening? It's bloody June! How much bloody Summer do you want to give him? It's not like we're in school anymore! Hell, we left last year and he hasn't done shit since!

"Yes well, it's only because she wants me to head this place at some point coz Stanley and Nathaniel don't have kids but all they want is for Jamie to take their place eventually so what's the point? Should just send him instead."

"Okay Jay, what is wrong?" Luke shouted. "There is no need for this shit! Everyone knows this is your family business, everyone knows that this has always been tailor made for you to take over. Screw everyone else. Why do you think they molly coddle you? Because they want to keep you alive! If they wanted Jamie to take over they wouldn't send him into the ring every fucking week!"

A chair was slammed against the table and I heard Luke huff aloud before a door was shut so hard it shook the core of the house. I gulped, I'm guessing Jay has stayed behind. I wanted to confront him and ask him about why he is feeling this way and the rational side of me told me to be calm... but he brought Megan up and he said he was going to tell her... and well, when it came to her I didn't have a clear mind.

So instead, I stood out from my hiding spot, crunched the can that was currently in my hand and launched it at the back of his head. Coke flew everywhere and even though I knew of Stanley's no fighting rule, I couldn't stop myself.

It bounced off his head with a clonk and clattered to the floor. "What the-?" He yelped.

"Jay. What the fuck have I done?" I cried.

Slowly, he turned around, his eyes wide in shock. "J-Jamie?" He stuttered.

My eyes fell into slits. "Don't give me that bollocks. What have I done?" I was giving him the whole of three seconds before I smashed his face in with my fist.

"Nothing!" He yelled. "You've done nothing." His voice quieter.

In two steps I was in front of him, my height an inch or so taller and I grabbed hold of his shirt. "You threatened to tell Megan about all of this!" I said. "I fucking dare you to deny it!"

"I... I..."


"Jamie!" A voice from behind me yelled. Luke.

"Don't talk me out of this Luke. I've done nothing wrong!"

"Jamie!" This time, his words were through gritted teeth.

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