Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


I glanced at the clock and could not help but roll my eyes. It had been nearly an hour and a half, where the bloody hell was she?

"Should I give her another ring?"

"No, she will take even longer. When I used to do that to Molly she used to take longer on purpose just to piss me off." Luke grunted.

My mind went on pause and the words I was going to say next left me at the mention of Molly. She was his old flame and they were pretty serious at one point. I think everyone believed that they were going to go the long haul and get married with eight kids.

I was devastated for him when he told me. I had been abroad for a year and half keeping my head down in Europe, when just before I returned I sent him a postcard telling him of my new address in Castlepool and when I would get back. I had only been back in England about three days when I came home from the supermarket to see Luke huddled on my doorstep in the pouring rain.

I was shocked but invited him inside straight away where he told me everything. He had finished work early because he had been given a pay rise at the mechanics where he worked for being loyal, bringing in new customers and working hard and he wanted to celebrate.

He knew that Molly was home because it was her week off from work. What was a good day for him turned sour when he found her in their bed sleeping with someone she worked with. He was heartbroken. I had never seen Luke like that before or since.

She was the reason as to why he has commitment issues, he never used to be like that but since that bitch ruined his life he has just jumped from one, one night stand to another.

I was not going to mention her out loud because I told him not to mention my past. When I bring it up it is okay, but nobody else can and the same applies to Luke.

"Okay, so what should I do now then?"

"I would give it another-" He was cut off by the front door opening. Oh please tell me this is her! I can't stand the waiting! I have always been bloody impatient!

The kitchen door opened to reveal my baby sister. Her dark brown hair was tied on top of her hair and she was wearing grey jogging pants and a black vest top with a cream, wool shawl over the top. "Jamie," she breathed.

Dropping her bag to the floor, she ran towards me and gave me a huge hug, the car keys in her left hand digging into the back of my neck. I swung my arms around her. I had missed my little sister so much. She had grown up into a beautiful young lady. I felt so proud of her.

I know she has got herself into some dangerous business but I still loved her so much. I can remember when she was born and how she used to follow me around all the time as a toddler. She will always be that little girl to me with the pigtails in her hair that my mum was forever putting her in.

She let me go and jumped herself on top of the counter just like Zak did. "So, what has happened? Why you back?" Her deadpan nature was back. Long gone were the welcome home hugs.

"Straight down to business then, huh?" I joked, rubbing my neck from the dent in it from her keys. There was an actual slight sting from when she was digging in so hard. I mean, she used to scratch the hell out of me as a little un', I guess this is her adult way of doing that?

"Well I am a busy lady now Jamie. I have an essay to write that is due in tomorrow afternoon."

"Right yeah, Zak said that you were doing a law degree, how did that come about? You were always interested in dance and P.E. when I left."

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