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Cracking the door of the nursery you watched Roc kiss his fingertips and gently run them across the hair sweeping your newborn's forehead. Last week you left the hospital with a healthy baby girl.

"Goodnight princess." He whispered.

He looked over in the crib for some time and headed towards the door. He saw you and smiled.

"What are you looking at?" Roc laughed.

"You. You've been a really great daddy."

He blushed and wrapped his arms around you swaying you back and forth. You could smelled the cologne that was beginning to fade from his neckline. Roc pulled back and held your hand.

"Ready to go to sleep now?" His thumb swiped the back of your hand.

"I sure do need it." You laughed.

Roc pulled you under his arm and led you upstairs. Halfway up, you could hear your baby girl's whines. After standing in place looking at one another you both heard her start another episode of crying. Roc ran his fingers through his hair and grunted.

"I got it. It's ok :)" You insisted.

As you began to walk downstairs Roc held your shoulder.

"Go upstairs. She probably just needs to eat."

You shrugged and went up. Roc was surprised that you agreed the first chance but he still managed to laugh. After lying down upstairs in bed you could hear Roc rushing up.

"What does he want?" You mumbled.

Roc peeped his head in.

"Babe ._."

"What Roc?"

"N/H pooped"

(N/H: name here)

"You've been changing diapers all week. What's wrong?" You questioned.

".__. N/H has a diaper rash. What do I do?"

"Put some cream on her."


"Yes. Put it on the rash."

Rocs eyebrows narrowed at you.

"You need to do all that!"

"Omg really? -.- Where is it?"

"On her butt o.o"

"Put it on there!!"

"...UGH. Fine."

He closed the door and went back downstairs. As you closed your eyes again you could hear his heavy feet coming back up the stairs. Before he even opened the door you asked him what was wrong.

"Okay babe. I checked the fridge. You didn't buy any cream." Roc stared at you biting the side of his mouth.


"I know that! I'm not that dumb! But there's not any in the fridge -.-"

"Are you serious? Well where is the baby now?" You asked him.

"..................on the changing table."

You hopped out of bed and pushed Roc against the door frame. He ran down the stairs behind you into the nursery. After walking in, you saw your daughter lying on her back laughing. The lace headband around her thick curly black hair was slipping off as she moved.

"What the heck is she laughing at? ._." You mumbled.

Roc shushed you as you listened to some music playing on the radio in the corner. The instrumental end to "Hello" played through the speakers causing her to laugh and smile.

"I wonder if she knows that I-" Roc began.

"I'm sure she does. I bet she's proud too!" You smirked.

You looked behind you at Roc who was smiling ear to ear. He walked over and picked her up while one side of her new clean diaper hung off her.

Roc kissed her head and held her against his chest.

"When I first saw your mom. All I could say, 'omg how do I make her have my baby'" Roc kidded.

"I hope you didn't actually think that. Especially if you'd have your baby struggling through life with a diaper rash."

You picked up the tube of the cream and handed it to him. Roc rolled his eyes and placed it on her.

"She wont be struggling. She'll be chillin like her pops ;)"

"YEAH. When her ass goes numb" You laughed walking out.

"-_- I'm still a good daddy arn't I N/H?" Roc mumbled to her.

Without looking to her as he applied more cream, she began to smile.

Indulging Imagines: Roc Royal EditionWhere stories live. Discover now