Sick baby

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I was in the kitchen making a pot of coffee till I heard loud crying and screaming coming from upstairs. "WAAAH! DADDY!" I heard masky cry from upstairs. I immediately went into daddy mode and was upstairs in 0.3 seconds.

"What's wrong baby boy, are you ok" I said, picking my sweet boy up and cradling him. His cries turned into soft sniffles as he tried to calm down and tell me what's wrong. "D-daddy, me feel icky" he said, pointing to the floor. I looked where he was point only to find out that he had thrown up. "I get punished please" he said, tears pricking his eyes. "Oh no no no baby! Daddy would never punish you for something like this, you just a little sick today." I said, kissing his forehead "don't worry, daddy is gonna help you feel all better" I said, holding him tightly. "Ok dada, me trust you" he said with a giggle. "Thank you baby, everything will be fine" I said, kissing his cheek.

()()()()()()TIME SKIP()()()()()()

"WAAAAAH! NO DADDY, I DON'T WANNA" masky said on the couch, kicking his legs and crying. "Baby I know you don't like the taste of this medicine, but you have to drink it so you'll get better faster" I said, kneeling in front of him and handing him the cap of liquid medicine. He cried louder and hit it out of my hand, spilling it on the floor. I grunt and hold him by his wrists "that was a bad thing to do baby, I know your frustrated and feel icky but that doesn't give you the write to hit daddy" I say sternly. He just cries more, begging me not to punish him. I think I need some help.

There's a knock on the door and I just yell that the door is opened. I sigh in relief when e.j walks in, nurse Ann by his side. "Hey hoods, how's it going" he asks sarcastically like he can't hear the loud cries of my little baby. "Well he hasn't thrown anything at me yet so I guess I'm doing ok" I say with a sigh. Nurse Ann walks up to masky and feels his forehead. "Hmm~ it might be a fever, can I hold the little guy" she says softly. I look at her for a second, we'll she even be able to hold him. "I know what your thinking and don't worry, I'm more than strong enough to hold him up" she says slyly. I just shrug and pick him up, handing him to nurse Ann.

Masky cries louder when he sees her, probably from embarrassment. Nurse Ann giggles and cradles him softly "shh shh it's ok sweetie, you don't need to feel embarrassed. I don't mind seeing like this one bit, in fact I think it suits you quite well." She says with a motherly smile. Masky stares at her for a second and stops crying, sniffing as he holds onto her tight. Ann coos and places him on the couch "don't worry honey, me and e.j are gonna make you all better" she say, pointing to jack who already has a bottle of milk ready. Masky looks at me for a second and holds his hand out, asking me to hold his hand. I chuckle and hold his hand, giving it a kiss and watching him smile widely.

Nurse Ann takes out a stethoscope and listens to my baby's stomach. "Has he eaten anything or taken any medicine" she asks, moving the stethoscope to his chest. "All he had today was some oatmeal and I tried giving him so stomach medicine but...he wasn't a fan" I say, looking at the pink stain on the floor from the spilled medicine. "Who is? any liquid medicine is gross, isn't that right bud" e.j says, ruffling my kittens hair. Masky nods "medicine yucky!" He says with a pout. "It May be yucky, but you still need to take it" I say, kissing his cheek and making him giggle. "Let's give him the medicine the he should gets some sleep" nurse Ann says, getting the medicine and pouring it into a small cup.

Masky cries and gets off the couch, latching onto me. "No dada, me don't want yucky juice! It taste icky!" He sobs. I pick him up and sit on the couch with him in my lap. "I know baby but if you drink the medicine then you'll get to drink milk after, that way the yucky taste doesn't stay in your mouth, ok baby boy." I say, pointing at the bottle of milk in e.j's hand. Masky gasps when he sees the bottle and makes grabby hands towards it. "MILKY! MILKY!" He squealed. "Medicine first, milky after" e.j said, nurse Ann giving me the medicine. "Uwcle jack jack betray me!" Masky said with a pout.

Me and Ann laugh as e.j pretends to be hurt. "I'm just worried about your health lovely" e.j says, kissing masky on the cheek. Masky giggles "otay! I forgive you" he says happily. We all chuckle and I put the medicine up to his lips "the sooner you drink it the sooner it will be over" I say to my baby. Masky sighs and drinks the medicine as fast as possible, crying until e.j hands me the bottle. I cradle masky and feed him the milk, him drinking it quickly to get the taste of the medicine out of his mouth. "Good job baby! Your such a big boy, you deserve a sticker" nurse Ann says, getting a red heart sticker and putting it on his pink onesie.

Masky finishes the milk, saying thank you to nurse Ann with tired eyes. "Is somebody sleepy?" I say, earning a nod from my baby. "Make sure he gets a lot of rest and he should be better in no time, if something happens don't hesitate to call." Nurse Ann says calmly "bye hoodie! And good bye my little munchkin!" Nurse Ann says, shanking my hand and giving masky a kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you two later, be safe" e.j say, giving me a pat on the back and ruffling masky's hair.

After they leave I carry masky upstairs and tuck him into bed. "Sleep tight baby, daddy loves you with all his heart" I say, kissing his forehead. "I wuv yous too dada, night night" he says cutely, falling asleep soundly. I chuckle and leave the room, looking at my baby one last time before closing the door

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