My Daddy

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"Open wide kitty" Daddy held another spoonful of chicken noodle soup up to my mouth.

I giggled and ate it "Mmh! It tastes so yummy Daddy." I ate another spoonful.

Daddy smiled, kissing my forehead. "I'm glad my baby boy likes it. Now how about a bedtime story before your nap?" He petted my hair.

I nodded excitedly, getting my cat stuffy and snuggling up with it.

Daddy took the empty bowl away from be and put me in his lap. He opened story book and started reading to me.

It was hard for me to pay attention to the story since all I could think about was how much I loved Daddy and how good of a Daddy he actually was.

Ever since we started this lifestyle he has been nothing but kind to me.

He brushes my hair. Feeds me yummy meals. Gives me fun toys. Knows all the names of my stuffies. Gives my cuddles and kisses. Dresses me. Gives me milk. Watches my favorite movies. Takes me places. And shows me that he loves me.

Whenever I'm happy or sad, Daddy is right there for me, ready to give me all the love and support in the world.

If I could make a list for all the reasons I love Daddy, it would go on forever and ever.

"The End. Did you enjoy the store kitty." Daddy wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a bunch of kisses.

I giggled, kissing Daddy on the lips "I love you Daddy! Your the best Daddy I could ask for. Thank you for always being there for me!" I smiled at him.

Daddy smiled back "Thank you baby, you are the best little I could ask for. It makes me happy that I make you happy." He kissed me again, this time for longer.

We continued to kiss each other as we laid on the bed, snuggling close to each other.

I love my Daddy so so much.

The End


I hope you enjoyed this story. I wanted to think of a good ending for this, but I'm kinda going on only 2 hours of sleep right now so hopefully you thought this was heartwarming.

Don't worry, I'll make more DDLB stories in the future. Maybe with different characters or "plots" or something.

Hope you enjoyed this and have Splendid Times

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