Express your feelings

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Today the teacher told us we had to write a essay about ourselves. And have to express yourself in that essay. Like it can be anything. But it has to be something that happened in your life. Well..... it's not due till 3 months. Yeah a long time. So I didn't stress out about it now. I still have time to think. But anyways today was Valentine's Day. We had to pass out valentines too the whole class. I couldn't wait too see what Anna, Ava and Amelia gave me. But they didn't give me anything! So I came too them. "Guys, where are my valentines!?" I asked them. "Oh,sorry we ran out." Anna said as she walked away with the girls. What! They were supposed to do them In abc order! And I was one of the first because I started with an A! How dare them! At this point I was thinking. Do they like me or not? Are they my friends or not? But that didn't get too much stuck in my head. The next day at lunch they were all talking about what they got for Valentine's Day. They all got things such as Gucci clothes and everything. All I got was a chocolate bar. Oh I also got this wonderful blue dress! I told them that too. They all started laughing and calling me poor. I just sat there with my mouth shut. I had said enough. A couple weeks later I can back with some Gucci clothes. The girls noticed and gave me little complements. Good enough. But I felt like something was missing. I mean...I can't can't help the fact that I am black and it is not fair that they don't like me because I am black and they are white. At this point I was stuck. What should I do. I can't be with people who don't like me for who I am and I can not be with people who are racist or don't like and I call those kind of people fake friends. So I just recognized how fake they are. How could I not noticed this before. I am so stupid. I just don't want too look like a geek sitting alone at the lunch table with no friends. That is super embarrassing.

Audition जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें