Chain Of Events - Part One: Under Lock and No Keys.

Start from the beginning

Indeed it was something Clementine had ensured unbeknownst to Violet, as day one and beyond in the bunker had been trying. Where once they'd only had Lilly and Minnie to reign back in, that number had doubled since Emryn and Nate in particular had begrudgingly become a part of the group.

In fact the atmosphere beneath the prestigious resort had become so toxic in such a short space of time that Clem had opted to hobble around on her one good leg for the better part of a week looking for a set of bolt cutters than stay cooped up with so many explosive personalities for more than one hot minute.

Still Clementine found herself concealing this reasoning as Violet was just as likely to start fires if she knew that anyone was making her life difficult.

"They pulled Emryn's shoulder from its socket, Vi. She wouldn't have been much use, and won't be for a while. As for the others, well - if one stays behind they all stay behind." Clementine shrugged.

"Can we at least call it a day today? We've been out here hours. They can't say we haven't tried. Besides, I'm hungry." Violet bemoaned after a few minutes, rubbing her stomach; though Clementine found it was her own whose audibly rumbled.

Selfishly she found herself wanting to push on. Emryn had remained adamant in her desire to relinquish her place at The Greenbrier due to the admittedly shared belief of her chained neighbours that those who imprisoned them would return with reinforcements.

Granting her this desire appeared to be the best outcome for all, as she'd undeniably had a hand in the strained atmosphere ever since the group had negotiated their way past Nate's prolonged solitude.

"Okay. But Emryn isn't going to be happy" She replied finally, defeated as her stomach grumbled with greater impatience still.

"Yeah? Well I will be!" Violet implored with a stern look on her face before relaxing it slightly upon realising how easily she was snapping.

"Like I said, we're miles out and it's late. You've spent every day so far looking for something to get them free with. There's only so many hours in a day, Clem."

She stood as she finished, beckoning Clementine to join her with a tug on their still clasped hands. The latter allowed herself to be helped up, pecking Violet on the cheek in thanks before then being wheeled around by the crook of her elbow to leave the farmhouse at their backs. Violet was right.


A deep blue-pink dusk had started to cloak them by the time they arrived back onto the sprawling lawn of The Greenbrier; Clems pace labored as she failed to hide the sting in her step.

Thankfully despite Violets exaggeration the two hadn't been exceptionally far from the neglected gardens of the resort having spent the previous three days scavenging within the walls of The Greenbrier for anything that would aid them in their task.

Unfortunately each and every corner of the seven hundred and ten rooms, fourty plus meeting rooms and twelve lobbies had left them largely empty handed aside from a small haul of knife kits found in the kitchen of one of its restaurants.

They would certainly come in handy against future threats living and dead, (and dicing up fresh meat when they could find some to hunt), but were rendered quite useless for successfully cutting through chain links.

Having dragged themselves up the once grand but now visibly weathered steps and through the overturned main lobby they began to navigate the still as yet unfamiliar halls.

Clementine had become rather adept at memorizing floor plans near instantly over the years but the resort tested this ability considerably. The place was a certifiable labrynth.

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