"Mario.." Luigi muttered worriedly as Peach walked over to Mario. She gently put the blanket over his shoulders as she heard the steady rhythm of his breathing.

"Have you and Mario found what's going on?" She asked as Luigi walked over to her. Luigi looked down at Mario for a moment as he saw another book was beside him. He picked it up, and saw it was a different one, but he knew it had something to do with the problem.

"Apparently...me and Mario are these vessels for the light and dark gods." He said as Peach's eyes widened. Nevertheless, she wanted to let him finish his explanation.

"There names are Lucian and Salem. I'm Lucian's vessel...and Mario's Salem's. But...Salem's darkness is starting to get to him. He keeps talking in his sleep, having these...visions. And ever since he told me this, he's been working himself to the bone trying to learn about why they chose us. It's...scaring me to see Mario get so worked up over this."

"..." Peach didn't know what to say about this...but Luigi wasn't finished.

"He also said...'light and darkness are fated to clash'. I think it means...that the two of us have to fight each other, but I don't want to fight him. I can't fight him.."

"...I see." Peach said. "We're getting warm then."


"Well, while I was going to sleep last night, I heard him talking in here, but it felt like he was talking to someone instead of sleeptalking." She said. "I thought he was only dreaming, but if what you're telling me is true...then this must be more serious than I thought."

"Right." He said. "Also...we found that energy source you were talking about. It's this tiny orb, and it looks like Mario and it both have the same connection."

"What do you mean?" Peach asked.

"Back in Chucklehuck Woods, Mario passed out for a few minutes, which I'm guessing Salem made him do that. And when he woke up E.gadd said that there was a lot of dark energy inside it. Negative emotions is what Mario said. He said it would make people feel bad about themselves. Change them. And..."

Luigi continued to explain what happened with Mario as Peach had her hands cupped over her mouth in surprise. She glanced down at Mario as his expression looked as if he was having a nightmare.

After the explanation, Peach closed her eyes as she had her hands cupped together on her chest.

"Mario...he can be ambitious." She admitted. "If Salem really is behind this...then the world can be at risk of having negative energy."

"Mario's the only one who can control that darkness apparently." Luigi said. "I dunno how he plans on controlling it, but I just hope it doesn't involve pushing himself to the point he'll pass out! I don't want him to get himself hurt! I don't want him to-"

All of a sudden, he felt a hand hold his right wrist.

"...I promise." Mario spoke in a whisper. However, what surprised Peach and Luigi...was that he was still asleep.

"M-Mario...?" He went to put his free hand on his shoulder, but Mario held his wrist a little tighter.

"I won't let them take you...Luigi. I'll keep you safe.." Luigi's hands clenched into fists as he had a sad frown on his face. He now realized exactly what was going to happen to Mario. What was going to happen next. He then felt him lose his grip on him as if it never happened in the first place. Luigi wiped his eyes a little trying to stop his tears from showing. He then gently took Mario and he put him on his back as he held onto him.

"I'll take him home for tonight, princess." Luigi said. "I think he's had enough for now."

"I agree." Peach said. "Is their anything I can do to help you both?"

Mario and Luigi: Darkness In LightWhere stories live. Discover now