"What?" Clarke tried to pull her hands away but he held on tight.

"Clarke, listen!" When she calmed down he continued. "You know I do not have long and when I die there will be nothing left here except trouble. Clarke, this land has nothing for you and I want you to be safe."

Dismayed, her voice was tinged with desperation. "But, Torrel, you need me here! I've found peace and quiet only here, everything I needed is here."

He shook his head sadly. "I know, Clarke. But all those things you have learned and achieved mean nothing if you are dead. I need you alive and happy more than I need you with me. I want you to take our memories here together and all your skills and start a new life somewhere else." He swallowed and looked around the small workshop. "This place...they will never understand you and never give you your freedom or respect. I want you happy, Clarke. I always knew you were special, that you had so much to give."

The tears fell again, knowing that he was serious about her leaving and that he would not change his mind. Clarke hated the tears and rubbed them angrily against the sleeve of her tunic. With her world falling out from under her, it seemed as though she had nothing more than the emotions of a naive child. But she was not a child any longer and knew that loss was something she would have to get used to once again. But she grieved, oh how she grieved. The blue eyes that almost is the same as hers pleaded with her, that begged her, were tired. She knew that once she was gone he would give in to the exhaustion that plagued his days.

"But what will I do, where will I go?"

He scratched the stubble on his chin before answering. "You can do whatever you like, Clarke. As for where to go, why not travel with Lena?"

She looked at him with bewilderment. "But why would I go to with her? I have nothing to offer them except trouble!"

Torrel looked at her with a twinkle in his eye that had long been missing. "Clarke, I think they would be honoured by everything you have to offer. Do not lower your own worth, I have taught you too well for that. Besides you are after all 'Wanheda'. Floukru is a peaceful clan and their city is isolated from the rest. They will never try to take your power but instead worship you for destroying their worst and strongest enemy single handed. You'll be safe there."

Clarke looked at him in surprise and gave a single nod of acknowledgement. "When do you think we should leave?"

The sparkle in his eyes left as quickly as it came. "Soon. As soon as Lena can ride without pain, you need to flee this place. You can start packing a kit now. You can take your mare, Hera, and let Lena ride Toby."

He stood from the stool and rummaged through shelves behind him. "I will put together a kit with arrow making tools and a few other things. You just worry about the rest."

"But what if she says no?"

He glanced over his shoulder at her. "You saved her life." He turned away once again. She knew she had been dismissed, so she went back to the cabin to check on Lena and start gathering her memories as best as she could.


That evening, Lena was able to come out and sit with them at their small table. Clarke introduced her to Torrel before setting the small table for their meal. They ate rabbit stew and the rest of the morning bread. Clarke was happy to see Lena had a good appetite and that she enjoyed the food. Her thoughts were only half in the present as she dragged the last bite of her bread around the bowl in front of her.

"This stew is amazing. I haven't had anything this good in a while."

Torrel responded proudly. "Clarke does most of the cooking and all the hunting. I have not been able to help as much as I would like since my weakness hit."

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