Chapter 2

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The next morning, Torrel was already up making breakfast when the dreams turned her loose. Clarke rose quickly and rinsed her face and mouth from the water bucket. She could see his hands shaking and the exhaustion on his face, so she immediately took over and sent him to sit. She finished cutting the bread and fowl from the night before then went to the fire and removed the pot of boiled eggs.

"Is Lena awake yet?"

He shook his head. "Not yet. I looked in on her when I got up and mixed up another mug of tea for when she does wake. She is going to hurt for a while, I suspect."

She nodded and swallowed down a lump of emotion before turning to peel the eggs. Once she had a morning meal put together, she took it and the tea to her room. Strange amber-coloured eyes looked to her with discomfort when she opened the door.

"You are awake, good! I brought you some food and more tea for your pain."

A thankful look crossed her face when she handed over the mug. She set the plate of meat, eggs, and bread on the bed. "Do you think you can eat something? The tea can be hard on your stomach if you do not eat."

"Thank you."

Lena set the tea aside and started on her breakfast. After a few bites she looked at Clarke seriously. "I shouldn't stay here. I'm going to bring trouble to you and your friend."

Clarke stopped her. " is okay. I know he will do whatever he can to protect you. Just focus on healing right now."

The look of fear in her eyes softened and the lines between her brows smoothed a bit with relief.

"Thank you, Clarke, for everything." Clarke nodded and smiled.

When Lena was finished eating, Clarke took the plate and left the room again. Clarke could see her eyes drooping and knew she was headed for another round of healing sleep.

As Clarke was cleaning up from our meal, a sudden realization came over her. She went searching for Torrel in a panic. She found him in the workshop, mixing dye for the fletching.

"Torrel we are in more danger than I thought!"

He looked up in alarm. "What is it? Is Lena okay?"

She quickly shook her head. "Not Lena, us. I forgot everything you taught me about tracking. Our trail will lead them right to our steading. What are we going to do?"

She started pacing, wondering how long it would take to find them. Torrel set down the container of dye and grabbed her shoulders to stop the pacing.

"Clarke, settle down! I have already taken care of it."

That took her by surprise. "What?"

"I went out before dawn and covered your trail. None of the warriors sent to investigate will be able to track you."

Clarke took in his exhausted and pale face, his tremulous hands, and she knew what it had cost him to protect them a little longer.

"Oh, Torrel why did you not let me help you?"

He gave her a smile she failed to understand and sat back down on his stool. "It is fine, Clarke. You know I do not have long for this world but I would give every heartbeat I have left to protect you." He patted the other stool next to him. "Come over here for a moment, I want to ask you a favour."

Curious, Clarke made her way around the workbench and sat on the other stool. "What is it? You know I will do whatever you want."

Her hands were swallowed by his large calloused ones, and he looked at her with his serious blue eyes. "I want you to leave here."

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