Chapter 29: Love Like A Tidal Wave

Start from the beginning

"That's great!" I lied, hoping the joy in my voice wasn't too obviously forced or strained. They both smiled in relief, some unidentifiable form of hope in Daniel's jade eyes, the eyes that were eerily the exact color to match mine.

"Also," she continued, making my heart sink. There's more? I fretted nervously. The way she took my hand in hers didn't help. "We don't think that four days, two or three really, is enough time to spend with us." My eyes widened in terror. They weren't suggesting that I stayed here longer, were they? Not that I didn't love my mom, I loved her to the moon and back again, but I needed Liam. The whole home and family situation was a lot to handle, and I needed Liam to keep me stable. Not to mention that I would be going back to school in a couple weeks and he would begin touring again, making seeing each other virtually impossible. "So we think it's best if you leave here on time, but you spend two more days with Liam and your friends then spend a week with us, then you'll have a day left with Liam before you go back to school," my mother proposed. Her words echoed in my ears as I digested them. I didn't even bother to try and keep my expression in check. I freely stared back at her in uncomprehending horror. She sighed, her brown eyes begging with sympathy.

"You mean you're only giving me two days with Liam before I don't see him for three months?" I clarified, my voice rising in pitch like an indignant child. I was not emotionally ready for this. My mind had already been resolved on spending a certain amount of time with my mom and Daniel and a certain amount of time with Liam before I left. I was not prepared to cope with this. "And even after three months, I'm only going to see him for about three or four days before I come back here for Christmas?" How's Liam going to feel about this? I wondered, my heart swelling in panic.

"We just want to spend more time with you," my mother began to explain. I cut her off, refusing to hear her sense. I knew it was childish, but she just didn't understand how I felt about Liam. I had gone without a father figure my entire, and Liam gave me the sense of security I had always needed and longed for. Liam now only gave me love and showered me in romance, he was also my best friend and protector, and gave me what Daniel had failed to give me my entire life. It was a connection even I couldn't make sense of.

"But you get to see me for Thanksgiving weekend. Liam doesn't," I reasoned. (Yes, England obviously didn't get off for Thanksgiving, seeing as that is a strictly American holiday, but I just missed a few days.)

"Sydney, baby, I just want to get to know you," Daniel interjected. I looked over at him, standing up from my chair. I knew he was trying to be polite, but his statement just enraged me. Who gave him the idea that he could just waltz into my life after nineteen years of not giving one single fuck and control where I was and when? He had that opportunity when I was fourteen, but he didn't take it. Why was I being punished for that?

"You've had nineteen years to get to know me!" I exploded suddenly, surprising even myself. But I wasn't done with just a single sentence. "Why didn't you get to know me then? Why are you all of a sudden interested? You had your chance to baby me, but I guess that was just too much for you." His eyes widened in sorrow, his face absolutely shattered. My mama just stared at me with her mouth agape, dumbfounded; I rarely ever had outbursts, they stopped once I was about seventeen, and even then it took quite a bit to set me off. I took a deep breath, composing myself and reminding myself to be reasonable. "I'm sorry. I tried to contain myself, I really did, and I would love to get to know you, but on my own time," I added, trying to sound as grown up as I claimed to be.

"Sydney, that was uncalled for," my mom scolded, not even using a nickname. The only times she didn't use nicknames with me was when she was upset with me. Whoops. "It takes more than a few days to get to know a person," she reasoned.

"You're right. You can't make up for nineteen years in a few days," I sneered, glaring at both of them. I didn't want to be a bitch, but did they even realize how much they were hurting me?

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