Chapter 22: An Indication, Something I Thought I Lost Long Ago

Start from the beginning

Although Liam was smiling, his eyes looked far away. Though it was quite obvious where his mind was; Tennessee. I knew Liam must've missed Sydney immensely, which I found adorable. They were so perfect for each other, it was practically unbearable. They completed each other, and I'm not sure I'd ever seen them separated for more than 24 hours, if that, from the day I met them. I knew how hard it must've been on him, not knowing how she was, especially considering the circumstances. I just hoped they held up okay for the next few days.

*Michelle's P.O.V.*

I placed my plate in the dishwasher and closed it before wandering into the living area. Zayn was upstairs with a headache, which I felt horrible about. I mean it wasn't my fault, (although Jesse had blamed me for "banging him too hard") but I still didn't like the thought of him being in pain. I know, how sweetly stupid. You'd only really understand if you loved someone as much as I loved Zayn. Harry and Megan were out driving, though I'm not quite sure why. I was kind of secretly hoping that they would get together. Hell, who am I kidding? I didn't try to hide how much I shipped them. Not only would they be adorable, but I couldn't stand Veronica. She was just so fake and gave any room she entered and uneasy mood. I plopped down on the cushy sofa and saw Louis enter Niall's room, looking a bit timid and guilty. I was curious as to why, but I figured I would figure out in time. The water from Julia's shower was audible even downstairs, which indicated that it was one of those hour and a half ones. I picked up the issue of Vogue, which was sitting on the table, and studied the picture of Kristen Stewart that took up the cover. She actually looked pretty good. I took a moment to appreciate her eye makeup before flipping through the glossy pages.

The doorbell chimed, a hollow sound which still sounded the same as it had the last time I was here a few years back. "I'll get it!" I called to the household. Not that I thought anybody was exactly jumping up at the opportunity to answer the door. I sauntered over, not really sure who it could be. But as I swung open the large wooden door, I wished it would've been anyone else. Her black, straightened hair was back in a ponytail, sunglasses adorning her head. She was wearing light was jean shorts so skimpy they were practically underwear, paired with a simple black crop top. There was nothing under the shirt though, just her exposed tan, flat stomach. It was hanging off of her shoulders, revealing her neon pink bra straps in an extremely slutty way. Her obnoxiously plump pink lips automatically spread into a grin, exposing her too-white teeth, but it disappeared as soon as her steel, cold gray eyes acknowledged me. I glared right back at her. It wasn't very hard to pick up on our unreasonable, unannounced hatred for each other. "What do you want?" I snapped harshly. I'm not exactly sure what it is about Veronica. She just strikes a wrong chord with me. Her drawn on eyebrows raised, a slight smirk playing across her probably over-experienced lips.

"I left my bag here," she explained, playing innocent. I stepped aside, allowing her to take a step inside. I want you off my floor, my mind growled. "So where's Harry?" she asked as she picked up her bag from the chair she left it on and headed back toward the door.

"Out with Megan," I answered, grinning smugly as her face contorted into a slight grimace of displeasure. She quickly recovered, regaining her composure.

"At least he's out with a friend and not some fat bitch," she replied, staring me right in the eye. I'm pretty sure it was meant to be funny in some weird, contorted, not humorous at all way. But for me it just caught me off guard, did something inside of me. Fat bitch. Fat bitch. The words ran through my mind, seeming more and more subtly pointed at me as the horrible memories came back. The memories of my two "best friends" insulting me endlessly after dumping me for ditching them for Zayn. There's something wrong here, I thought immediately. No, you're just crazy, I contemplated, battling with myself. Why was I over-analyzing her statement so much? Surely it didn't mean anything. But the look in her eye... Stop being so paranoid! I reprimanded myself. The past is gone. "Is something wrong Shelley?" she asked in a tauntingly sweet tone. Okay. Something was wrong here. The only people who ever called me Shelley were Claudine and Tara, my "best friends" from my time in Bradford. Jesse called me Shelley once as a joke, but even though I knew he was joking a flipped a shit. It just brings back memories that I prefer buried.

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