15. mar 3, 11:32

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Fri, Mar 1, 04:00

kookie🐰: that was the last picture
i took of you


Sun, Mar 3, 11:32

kookie🐰: the hyungs and i are starting
to plan on what to do for
yoongi hyung's birthday

knowing hyung though, he's
not gonna want to do much

we'll probably end up just
having dinner at his place
with some drinks

it doesnt really sound too bad

you know i hate being in
really public areas

Sun, Mar 3, 11:35

kookie🐰: its even harder now without
you here..

Sun, Mar 3, 16:20

kookie🐰: i was going through my room
trying to clean up and look
what i found

kookie🐰: i was going through my roomtrying to clean up and lookwhat i found

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

["jungkook-ah, i see you in front of me right now. how are you doing? happy birthday. i can see that you are busy with tannie right now. my eyes are always on you. i love you. you are very lucky to be able to spend your birthday with armys! have a great time on this special day"]

it was a letter you wrote to
me for my birthday

Sun, Mar 3, 16:21

kookie🐰: haha whyd you ask me how i
was doing when i was
standing right in front of you?

i think i was playing tug with
tannie then

Sun, Mar 3, 16:24

kookie🐰: i love you too

i hope youre still watching
me even now

night sky || taekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora