Dating Cisco Ramon would include:

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Gif credit: 2009wasagoodyear on tumblr

(Takes place around season 1)

-Meeting when he first comes to work at S.T.A.R labs.

- Becoming friends which soon led to having crushes on each other.

-First date being Jitters.

- The next one was the greatest movie marathon you’ve ever had.

- Being good friends with Caitlin and Ronnie.

- And Barry and Caitlin shipping you two, because you two are the cutest nerds known to man.

- Understanding all of his movie references.

- You guys weren’t really the jealous type of couple until Lisa Snart came around.
But Cisco would always remind you that he loves you and only you.

- I feel like Cisco would a small spoon kind of guy but he’s is up for being the big spoon too.

- Forehead kisses when cuddling!!!

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