Chapter 7

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It been an hour since Yeri accompany Shuhua to pick up Soyeon from the airport.Joy was continuing her paperwork as the president of the Student Council. The paperwork was making Joy to passed out.It was so many that Joy don’t think she could finish by today.

While Joy was doing her paperwork,the fan blew all the paper from the table,making Joy giving up on her work. “ paper.....”Joy said as she slamming her head onto her table.Wendy was picking up all the papers and sighed seeing her hopeless friend.

“Joy,you going to hurt your head if you keep slamming it.”Wendy said as she put all the paper on Joy’s desk.Joy raised her head and sighed.She don’t know what wrong with her life.What was that feeling whenever she with Yeri.

When she with Yeri,she felt happy and have more energy to work.But when Yeri is not here,she felt very hopeless.She know that Yeri accompany Shuhua to pick Soyeon up from the airport,but for some reason,she missed Yeri.

“Wendy,can you help me with my work?I have no mood to do my work.”Joy asked her as she grabbed a cup of tea from the table and started taking a sip of the tea. “Is it about Yeri?”Wendy suddenly asked which make Joy spit out her tea.

Joy shook her head to Wendy. “O-of course not.There no way I love Yeri.”Joy stuttered.

“Love?”Wendy said as she heard what Joy just said and she just tilted her head to the left. “No,I-I mean....aish jinjja!Forget what I said.”Joy said as she look away from Wendy.

Wendy have a sharp ears.She could hear what Joy said clearly.She love Yeri?Did Joy said she love Yeri.She don’t think she is wrong.And Wendy didn’t even ask whether she love Yeri or not.


The silence atmosphere suddenly interrupted when Minnie entered the room.There was a pile of paper in her hand that was suppose to be given to the president of the councilors.

Minnie put down a pile of papers on Joy’s desk,receiving a huge sigh from Joy.Being a Student Council president is very hard for her.Most students thought that being a president can control the school,that the reason why some students like Bangtan gangs and also SaTzu  doesn’t like the current president of Student Council.They often try to fight the councillors in order to become the new Student Council president,but now SaTzu  is no longer fighting them since they are now a member of councillor.

Ever since Bangtan gangs has been beaten by Yeri and SaTzu already a member of Student Council thanks to Yeri,there were a 5-members group appeared.They called themselves as ITZY.But the councillors called them Itchy because they are annoying as hell.

Joy don’t want to talk about that group.That group are much more dangerous than Bangtan gangs.They will destroy their victim’s life.

Joy took some paper out from a pile of paper,suddenly,there was a weird yet mysterious paper flew from a pile of paper. “What this?”Asked Joy as she picked up the paper.

The paper was stained with red ink.It look like a blood but Joy know who did it. “Joy....”Wendy said.She also know who did it. “ seem they are back.”

Suddenly,a door slammed,revealing Nayeon who just came in the room.Nayeon was sweating heavily.She look like she was running the whole day. “What is it,Nayeon?Why are you sweating?”Asked Joy.

Nayeon took a breathe in and let it out. “It...Itchy,they trying to pick a fight with one of the students.”Nayeon said,making Joy shocked and stand up. “What?”


“Hey you short.Can you just go away?You are blocking us!”The red hair tall girl said as she glare at the short girl. “How dare you call me short!Do you want me to beat you up?”The short girl said.She pulled her sleeve and raising her fist.When she said she will beat them up,she is not lying.Even with her small body,she good at fighting.

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