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When we got to the door of the hotel room, Mike turned to me.

"Do you want me to go in first to see if Peter's here?" he asked. I nodded.

"I don't know if I'll be able to face him just yet," I said, giving Mike a quick hug before he opened the door and went in. I turned around and placed my back against the wall when I noticed Peter, coming down the hall. When he saw me, he froze.

"Jenny...." he said faintly.

"No, Peter. Please go away. I can't-" I started to say. I moved away from the wall as the door opened and Mike came out. When he saw Peter, he went ballistic.

"What is wrong with you? Why would you call Jenny a whore? She loved you and you called her a whore! You don't say that to people you love," Mike yelled. Peter smirked.

"Who says I love her?" Peter said, still smirking. I backed into the wall and fell to the floor, crying.

"You son of a-" Mike started. He took a deep breath. "Look what you've done," he said, pointing to the mess of me that lie on the floor.

"I didn't do that," he said.

"Yes you did," Mike said. "Can't you see she loved you? And you go and hurt her like that?" Mike kneeled down next to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"It's gonna be alright baby. It'll be alright," Mike whispered, gently rubbing my back. Mike stood back up.

"Peter, I think you should go away for a little while while I help Jenny to feel a little better," he said.

"I think I should too," Peter said, suddenly speaking quietly. He turned abruptly and ran down the hall.

"That was weird," Mike said, looking back at me. "Aw, baby. Are you alright?" I awkwardly pulled myself off the floor and hugged Mike tightly.

"He said he didn't love me," I said into Mike's chest.

"He never said that. He just got caught up in the moment that's all," Mike said, kissing the top of my head.

"I hope so," I said, nestling my head further into Mike.

"Either way, you're perfect to me," Mike said.

"You're so sweet. I love you so much," I said, lifting my head of his chest. I immediately laid it back down because my face got cold. I laid my ear upon the spot where his heart was and listened to the steady drum. I tapped his heart.

"Does this heart beat for me?" I asked.

"Sure does, darlin'," Mike said. Then he tapped my heart. "What about yours?"

"I don't know. It's too broken to be sure. I'll get back to you," I said, trying to make a joke out of a terrible situation.

"Do you need someone to pick up the pieces? Or is it not shattered, just battered?" Mike sung.

I love it when he serenades me, I thought.

"I've never heard that song before. Who's it by?" I asked curiously.

"It's an original. I kinda wrote it for you..." Mike said, turning away but I could still see his face slowly turning red.

"Mike," I said, gently using my hand to make him look at me. "That was beautiful. I love it," I said just before kissing him. I pulled away but kept my eyes closed for a minute. When I opened them, Mike was gone.

"Mike? Mike?!" I asked, starting to panic. I searched everywhere in the room and he wasn't there.

"Mike......." I whimpered. I crawled onto the bed and started to cry, slowly repeating "Do you need someone to pick up the pieces?" I drifted off to an unpleasant sleep full of nightmares.


Hey guys! What'd you think? I like the way I did this chapter. Do you? Feel free to comment! Thanks for reading! =) TheMonkeesForLife

Their New Life (Sequel to Jenny's Choice)Where stories live. Discover now