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Mike finished giving me a back massage and I turned around and smiled at him. I draped my arms around his neck.

"I've put you through hell and you've still come through for me. Why?"

"I guess because you always have to fight for what you love. No matter what it is and how much it takes you through. If you love someone, you will do anything to get that. That's why I try so hard for music and for you." I brushed his hair behind his ear with a slight flick of my finger. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then whispered in his ear.

"And I thank you for that." I pulled away from him. "You've given me so much. I couldn't have asked for anyone better."

"I couldn't have either." He beamed at me.

I love him so much. I decided I was going to do something completely insane.



"Since we're adopting Valleri as parents, don't you think that we should be married?" He stopped digging in the sand next to him. He stared at me for a long time. And then he smiled.

"I think we should be. But, I don't know if I can do it unless I know your feelings for Peter are absolutely gone."

It's time to decide, Jenny. Do you still love Peter? I came up with my answer and I stood by it.

"I am completely over Peter. I need you in my life, Mike. You make me so happy." He had a grin from ear to ear.

"I want to get remarried to you, Jennifer." I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him for a long time. I remembered that I should probably tell Peter. I pulled away from Mike and lightly kissed his lips.

"I have to do something."

"Okay." I stood up and looked around for Peter. He was splashing around in the water with Valleri. I ran down to the beach.

"Peter!" I called from on the shore. "Come here! And bring Valleri!" Peter picked Valleri up on his shoulders and ran toward me. I smiled at the sight.

"What's up Jenny?"

"I have some news. And it might not make you very happy but I thought you should know first..." Peter's face fell from a grin to a cold stare.

"What is it?"

"Mike and I are.... getting remarried..."

"Oh... Well, congratulation..." Peter pulled Valleri down off his shoulders and set her on the ground.

"Again, again!" She begged. Peter smiled weakly at her.

"Maybe in a little while okay, sweetie?" Peter patted her on her head.

"Okay Uncle Petey! I'm going to go play with Davy!" She squealed as she ran away to Davy.

"Are you okay?" I asked Peter.

"I um am shocked. I thought we.... we were getting along better and I thought we were falling back in love..."

"Oh, Peter. You know I'll always love you. And you'll always be in my life. I just think that you have a more positive impact on my life when you're my friend..."

"Okay. I understand. Congratulation. Really," he said and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and then jogged in the direction of the pad. I figured he'd need some alone time so I went back and sat down with Mike and watched Valleri, Davy, and Micky run around in the shallow water of the ocean. Mike put his arm around my shoulder and I pressed into him.

Life's gonna be okay, I thought.


WHOA! Hey guys! It's been soo long! Too long. I've missed writing so much but I actually have to write for a class now so I don't really have time to write on here anymore but I SWEAR THIS TIME I WILL TRY HARDER TO UPDATE MORE. If some of the things in this chapter contradict things in earlier chapters please forgive me. It's been a really long time and it's 12:43 AM where I live right now so please tell me if some things don't match up and I will try and patch them up. Anyways, how was everybody's holiday season and New Year? Comment and tell me what your favorite gift was! I'd really love to know. Mine was obviously my concert tickets to see my baby, Rick Springfield <3 <3 <3 Which reminds me, I would like to write a Rick Springfield fanfic because THERE IS NOT A SINGLE ONE IN EXISTENCE. That I can find at least. So how do we feel about that? Please tell me your thoughts. Okay, this author's note is too long. OH YEAH and if this chapter sucks, I am so so so sorry. I will try and improve. Okay. It's really over now. Thank you so  so much for reading and sticking with me through my writing slumps! :1 xx TheMonkeesForLife

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