numero 12

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"They've been gone for so long." Jaehyun sighed and looked out the window to see pouring rain.

Hun shrugged. "They're on a date, don't be such a dad."

Hoeseung gasped. "Unless he is a dad-"

Jaehyun eyed Hoeseung and he immediately shut up.

"Spring is not over yet, Jaehyun." Hun said and continued playing his game on the phone.

"I know, and I don't care. All I care is about my sister, her well-being, her health-"

"And her best friend." Hoeseung winked and Jaehyun turned red.

"Oh shut up." He tried to hide his face by looking outside.


"You're such an idiot to make us run in the rain!" Eun yelled through the loud noises of the rain as it hit the ground hard. It was raining tremendously and there was no sign of it stopping.

"It's fun!" He yelled back and smiled as he dragged Eun along.

He stopped in the middle of the park and looked at Eun while smiling brightly.

"Why did we stop here? We should get home." She asked and tilted her head.

He let go of her hands and pulled out a red umbrella.

"What? I thought this was at home!" She argued and put her hands on her hips.

"Seunghyub you're such a thief." She joked.

He opened up the umbrella and covered the both of them. "See, I am your umbrella." He laughed.

Eun didn't laugh at the joke and just stared.

Seunghyub calmed down after, pulling Eun carefully and closer to him so she could feel the warmth.

Eun's heart beat louder than it should've; this was her first time hugging a boy.

She looked up slowly to see Seunghyub already looking down at her.

Eun didn't know what to say but was interrupted when she felt a pair of lips land on hers.

Well you see, the problem is, Eun hasn't kissed anyone ever. Therefore she didn't know how to kiss and just nonchalantly stood there while Seunghyub took the lead.

But after a few minutes of him not backing up, she synchronized her movements with his and it resulted in a small makeout session.

"Hey hey hey!" Jaehyun tried running to them but was pulled back by Hun.

"This is why her happiness is going down! Because you keep interrupting her!" He flicked his forehead.

Jaehyun sighed. "I guess you're right." He flinched after watching them kiss. "This is disgusting! Who let two five year olds kiss and lick eachother's lips?"

"This is why you're single." Hoeseung mentioned and Jaehyun rolled his eyes.

"I think you forgot but me and Mina are a thing now." He flipped his fake hair.

Hun sighed and shook his head. While Hoeseung felt left out because he's never had a girlfriend yet.

They both finally let go and Eun looked down in embarrassment. Oh wow he seriously has good kissing skills.

"Who have you been kissing before me?" Eun asked as a joke.

"No one? The man in the mirror?" He laughed.

Eun laughed as well and looked around to spot Jaehyun and his crew. They were attempting to run once Eun saw them but her small legs caught up with them and she ended up pulling Jaehyun's ear.

"Why do you haftachaperone your own sister? I'm embarrassed now!" She pouted.

Jaehyun clicked his tongue. "Why can't I?"

"Because you can't?" They argued until Seunghyub stopped them.

"Guys just calm down, now you're embarrassing us." He motioned at the old couple judging them.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes and left. "Fine go kiss Seunghyub with your ashy lips!" He yells and waves.

Eun yelled back and threw some vulgar words. "He's such an idiot I swear."

Seunghyub looked down at his beloved girlfriend and held her hand while they walked down the rainy street with a red umbrella covering the both of them.

Suddenly the rain stopped raining in and everything turned much brighter and clearer within a couple of minutes.

"Huh, I guess you really are my umbrella."


how cliche and cringy was this? VERRYYYYY cringy

but i guess this is it, this was a really fun book to make and i should srslt update the cover one day but thank you for 200+ reads. and thank you @KhalisFarhana for requesting this :)❤️

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