numero 6

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"You look like you've been through hell multiple times, what the heck happened to you?" Mina asked with caring eyes once she entered Eun's house.

Eun sighed and walked up to her room, Mina followed close behind. Eun collapsed on her bed and hugged her blankets.

"Stupid stupid stupid." She mumbled and hit her blankets with her fist.

"Hey hey stop don't do that to your precious bed!" She held onto Eun's wrist lightly and patted her back.

Just then they heard a knock and Mina went to open it.

"O-Oh Jaehyun!" She stuttered and Jaehyun smiled at her. She made made space for him to enter and he immediately went to his sister to give her a wrapped ice cream cone.

"Come get up."

"Shut up you uncultured goose." She said without looking at him and opened the ice cream package.

"Someone's here to see you." He stated and Eun just widened her eyes, sighing and waving him off.

"Tell them I'm busy thanks." She faked a smile.

Another person barged in and it turned out to be Seunghyub.

"Doesn't look like your busy." He said and skipped over to Eun's bed.

She attempted to push him off but he was too big for her to do that task. "Get your sweaty butt off my blankets! I don't want you to warm my blankets with your farts."

"Yah that's mean." He pouted and Eun stuck out her tongue.

Jaehyun walked out the room and pulled Mina with her.

The two didn't notice they were gone due to them being busy tackling eachother.

"Where did they go?" Eun asked when she noticed it was only the two of them.

He shrugged and laid on her bed.

"Get your sweaty body off my bed! You're warming it up with your bad odour!"

Seunghyub immediately got up and crashed his eyebrows together. "Yah."

Eun gulped while staring at him because if looks could kill, she'd be on the floor by now. "I mean-"

He instantly smiled and grabbed Eun's ice cream cone, running out of the room with it.

"You're such an asshole for taking my ice cream and licking it!" She yelled as they ran out the front door.

He stuck out his tongue and Eun laughed at him while trying to tackle him. "This is why you have no friends!" She yelled and he just laughed it off.

"You're jealous aren't you." He teased and she attempted to kick his shin but he kept dodging her attacks.

"Seunghyub!" She yelled and they were now out on the street.

Seunghyub accidentally let go of her ice cream, causing it to fall to the ground. "Oh my gosh you're so dead." She yelled.


She stared at the ice cream that was sitting on the street from her window sill. The remains of the ice cream were washing up with the rain, it could've been prevented if Seunghyub didn't go outside.

"See! It was a perfectly good ice cream but you had to drop it." She scolded Seunghyub.

"Sorry, should've ate it sooner."

She rolled her eyes and as she looked outside her window again,  she saw a familiar figure with an attractive girl. On further inspection, the familiar figure seemed to be the one and only Hun. Eun frowned upon seeing her crush with another girl.

"Are you jealous?" Seunghyub asked and tried to shove his face in front of hers to see her reaction.

"What're you talking about! I don't even like him." Forcing a laugh, her eyes couldn't leave the duo although Seunghyub was partially covering her view.

He shrugged and looked outside the window, then back at Eun; he noticed that her hands were fidgeting which caused him to raise a brow.

He couldn't take the scene of her being nervous over a guy who doesn't seem to care about her, so he pulled her by the wrist to go outside and taken aback, she halted once they reached the last step.

"Are you crazy? We're out under the rain and we have no umbrella to cover us." She huffed.

He was one step below her and stood in front of her nonchalantly before putting his hands on her shoulders, and saying "I'll be your umbrella."

Eun widened her eyes but immediately took her hands off of him. "Y-You, what nonsense are you saying?"

He sighed and took off his sweater, leaving him in a long sleeved white shirt.

He covered it above their heads and Eun stared into his eyes while he tried to squint away the water that was going into his eyes.

"My umbrella?" She whispered to herself.


what if this flops omg

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