numero 2

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Eun came back drenched in water and almost slipped because of the wet floor.

"Woah why are you so wet?" Jaehyun asked and tried to hold his laughter in.

"What do you think?"

"But I gave you an umbrella didn't i?"

Eun didn't respond and instead went to the kitchen to get some bread.

"Eunnie where did the umbrella go?"

"You care about the umbrella more than your sister's well-being?"

Jaehyun nodded but then broke into laughter. "You're funny, of course I care about you! But seriously, did you lose the umbrella on your way home?"

Eun sighed. "The stupid wind blew the umbrella away."

"Man you're weak." He sighed and sat on the couch. "Where's the food?"

"Take your stupid food and never talk to me." Eun said in a grumpy voice and ran upstairs, leaving puddles behind her.

"Well someone's on their period."


As Eun was about to open up her ice cream bar wrapper, she heard knocks on the front door followed by Jaehyun's voice.

"Eun! Open the door!"

"Why can't you, you idiot! It's your friends anyways."

Jaehyun groaned and opened Eun's door with a thud.

"Open." Jaehyun said, with his duck boxers on.

"You're already standing!" She yelled and laid back down, trying to calm herself down.

"I'm not wearing any pants!!" He retorted and pulled Eun out of her room.

"You're stupid, why would you-"

The knocks became louder and Eun looked at Jaehyun with wide eyes. "I'm not opening the door! Hun can't see me without makeup!"

"Oh shut up Eun, you don't even wear makeup."

Eun scoffed but was pushed by her brother and forced to eventually go down, her brother running back up to get pants.

"Hello." Eun hummed as she opened the door to see three eyes staring back at her. "Come in." She stuttered, seeing Hun's beauty.

"Where's your brother?" A rather younger boy around Eun's age asked.

"He's shitting-"

"I'm here!" He covered Eun's mouth and put an arm around her.

"I was not pooping, in fact I was cleaning up my sister's poop."

Eun looked at her brother with scary eyes and elbowed him hard. "You little psychopath." She whispered and ran back upstairs.

"Yah Seunghyub, you didn't shoot your shot." Hun teased Seunghyub.

"How many times did I tell you that I don't like her for goodness sake."

"I know you do, plus I don't wanna break her heart." Hun looked at Seunghyub and pouted.

"Why? What do you want me to do? Break her heart as well?"

Jaehyun sighed and interrupted. "Can we not talk about breaking my sister's heart? In front of her brother? You guys don't understand how many times she got her heart broken. Don't do anything that'll make her cry again." He looked at their eyes for a good two seconds and walked to the living room.

All the boys stared at eachother before following him to the living room.


"I'm going to my dear Mina's house, I'll see you." She waved at Jaehyun as she put on her shoes.

Jaehyun nodded and focused on the screen again.

Just then, she looked up to see Hun in front of her.

"Let's go."

"What?" Eun asked and looked up at Hun's glistening eyes.

"I'm taking you there."

Eun didn't respond and just stood there, she looked at the other boys for help but none of them seemed to notice.

"It's okay." Eun said and held onto the doorknob, planning her escape plan.

"Come on, I want to get to know you better." And that's that. Eun's heart beat out of her chest and she let go of the doorknob.

"Sure." She nodded and Hun opened the door for her. "You go first." He motioned for her to go first and she did.

Seunghyub noticed that Hun wasn't there and looked at the door to see Hun with Eun. He scoffed and focused on the screen again.

"Hun seriously should stop giving your sister hope." He remarked and Jaehyun didn't respond.

"Yeah I agree, Eun is so innocent. Hun is just gonna break her heart again."

Seunghyub nodded and focused on the game once more.

"What's with you and my sister? You guys wouldn't care less because all you care about is breaking her heart."

It was silent until Hoeseung decided to say something to break the ice, "We're just looking out for your sister Jae, she's an amazing girl. We don't want her to get hurt."

"Then tell Hun to stop."

"You know he's a guy who can't be stopped-" Hoeseung remarked but Jaehyun cut him off.

"If words mean nothing to him, then let's see how it feels to get a broken heart." He smirked a bit.

"Yah! You two are idiots." Hoeseung yelled at him while Seunghyub was just in a daze.

"Seunghyub, go get him before he gives her hope." Hoeseung tapped Seunghyub's shoulders and Seunghyub looked at him with disbelief.

"No way jose am I doing that. I don't even like her!" He retorted.

"You literally care for her the most out of all three of us, Jaehyun being an exception."

Seunghyub sighed and stood up then grabbed his jacket. "You guys better pay me fried chicken if I do save her life."

After he left, Jaehyun still looked at the screen without moving an inch.

"What if Seunghyub likes Eun?" Hoeseung asked.

"Then, I don't know. If he treats her right, then he gets no broken bones. But if he doesn't, he'll meet death." Cracking his knuckle, he was able to surpass Hoeseung in Mario Kart Wii.

"Hey you cheated!" Hoeseung pouted and threw a small tantrum.

"Yah, just be grateful I let you win the last two rounds cause you literally suck at Mario Kart."

The two boys continued to play while Seunghyub chased after the two.

It was an adventure for the both of them.



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