"You were on drugs when he was born?"

"Of course...I wouldn't go through that unless I was high!" She laughed again.

"You bitch!"


"The parents have both been charged with child cruelty and neglect. They showed no remorse." Lucy cried as she told Beth what was happening. "I'm sorry for crying, it's just... Harry is such a lovely little boy. How anyone can do those things to him..." Beth hugged her.

"You need to get tidied up love. You have to go back soon." Beth said.

Lucy nodded and got up, walking to her locker, getting her bag out and digging around until she found her make up bag. She quickly applied some, before putting her bag back in the locker and heading back to Harry.


When she got back to his room, she found Harry fast asleep. She smiled and did a few routine checks.

She heard Harry's tummy grumble, unhappily. It must've hurt, as it woke Harry up, whimpering slightly.

"Hi Harry. Sounds like you're hungry. Would you like some more soup?" Lucy asked.

Harry nodded. He really liked that soup.

"Ok... I'll come right back."

As she left, Harry sat up and clutched his aching tummy. He was so hungry, it made him cry.

Lucy came back with a tray of soup, bread, a banana and orange juice. They wanted Harry to start eating slowly as his poor tummy wouldn't be able to handle big amounts of food yet.

"Here we go. Soup first?" Lucy asked, pulling the table close.

Harry nodded, wiping his tears.

"Oh Harry don't cry love. I know your tummy hurts doesn't it?" He nodded sadly, grabbing the spoon from her hand.

He scooped up spoonful after spoonful.

"Here...try dunking the bread in it, it tastes really good." She smiled handing him a small bit of plain bread.

He took it and dunked it, putting it in his mouth, he smiled as he chewed and swallowed.

He finished the soup and bread and took a few sips of juice.

"How about we leave the banana for later, let the soup go down first?"

Harry nodded.

"Good boy. You know...you can talk to me...I won't bite." Harry looked shy, but smiled, then nodded, making Lucy laugh.

"I...I need..." He whispered.

"What do you need Harry? The toilet?" He nodded, his face turning a light shade of red.

"Ok...come with me. Thank you for telling me." She held her hand out and guided him to the bathroom, pulling his IV stand with them.

She let Harry get situated by the toilet, then left him to it, hearing him flush, she went back in, he washed his hands and went back to bed. At least he had good hygiene when it comes to using the toilet, she thought.

Harry yawned as they walked back. He got into bed, making himself comfy, and closed his eyes.

"You sleep little one, I'll see you soon." Lucy whispered, then left the room.


It was her break time, she was lucky if she got one, but as Harry is her only patient and he's asleep, she's taking a fifteen minute break.

She decides to text her husband...

Me: Hi baby. Xx

Liam: Hey love. Everything ok?xx

Me: yes, just tired and emotional xx

Liam: something happened love? Xx

Me: just the boy I'm looking after, it's heartbreaking xx

Liam: I'm sorry. Is he ok?xx

Me: I don't know, he's gone through so much, he's 8, but looks about 5, he's so tiny xx

Liam: shit! Poor kid.xx

Me: parents are monsters. I'm so sad xx

Liam: I'm gonna give you the biggest hug ever when u get home love xx

Me: I need it. I better get back. See u later. I love you XXX

Liam: love u too babe. XXX

She sat in the staff room for a while and cried a little, though she knows she shouldn't get too attached to her patients, but this boy has stolen her heart.

Hope this is ok?

All the love xxx

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