Chapter 29: Slow to Act Versus Innovative Thinking

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"Unfortunately, the destructive storms kept coming with every hurricane season.  The sudden strength of Hurricane Michael should have been the final proof that storm surge combined with high winds can devastate coastal communities in short order.   Rebuilding to stronger codes takes a long time to reach a state of normalcy.   The whole process was slowed by the interruptions and setbacks by new cycles of storms.   And every year there is more to contend with."

MYKA  recalled a trip to the Netherlands to see their coastal projects called the "Sand Motor". Many of the nations in the EU are committed to being proactive in protecting their coastlines and resources.   Explaining that  designing these sandbars  also allowed for quick drainage of the Netherlands communities built upon these structures, the world traveler had more to add.  "More than twenty countries have set impressive goals for sustainable energy, and conservation of species, and protection of their lands.  Their organizations are leading the way in efforts worldwide."

In response to progressive thinking expounded on by MYKA,  "As Floridians, my family is really bummed about Florida's role in the outcomes of Presidential elections.    We think back to poorly designed ballots and hanging chads.   Can you even imagine how different our world would be if Al Gore had been elected?     In 2007, a U.S. House of Representatives Congressional committee concluded that the George W. Bush administration 'engaged in a systematic effort to manipulate climate change science'.   And well you know what the science community thinks of our current administration.   I wish the attempts to use marine resources to reverse global warming would come about in time to make a difference.    It is what keeps us searching for answers."

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