part 11

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A wave of darkness flooded my brain. Everything was falling apart. I couldn't think straight and I layed in bed for days, waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat from another nightmare.
Everything that happened around me felt like it was sped up and I just sat still in the middle of it all. Just suffering. I was being choked by my own thoughts and memories of everything that had happened and the worst part was that I didn't know how to make the pain end. It felt like it was going to last for eternity.

"Dominic you have to get up, you're leaving tomorrow morning and you still haven't packed your stuff." I heard Rosalina her voice from behind me. "You haven't packed anything yet, how are you going to be done before tomorrow, you can't leave without packing all of your stuff."
I heard her footsteps walking around the room, cleaning and taking all kinds of random stuff. It was her way of coping with things.

"Yeah." I sighted. "I'll do it later." I rolled around again and closed my eyes, but all I could see was her face. Her eyes filled with tears. And then a bullet and blood dripping down her head.

I felt a lump in my throat and tears forming in my eyes again.

"I know it's hard." She started as she sat down behind me and stroked through my hair. "But you have to set it away for now. You can't stay here in this state and I'm sure your father wants you to get home so that you can all be together in these hard times."

"I can't go home." I said.

"Why not? I'm sure everyone is waiting for you."

"I promised... that I would keep her save. He said that if anything happened to her that it was on me. That is was my fault. And now she is gone and it's all my fault!" Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

I felt her arms being wrapped around my body and being pulled into a hug.

"That's not true, non of this is your fault and you couldn't have done anything to stop this from happening and they all know that, trust me." She said. Her voice sounded weak and sad.

"But he made me promise, why would he now just forget about it? I should have went home when Fabio told me to and not waited until something happened."

"You couldn't have known that he was going to change his plans at the last moment. So you couldn't have stopped that from happening." She said.

"But I did. I knew that Martelli was going to do SOMETHING and I still stayed here, putting Luna in danger. Killing her... If we would have gone home like Fabio said, she'd still be alive." I shoved my face into the pillow and started swearing into it.

"But at what cost. What would have happened if you did go home. Maybe there would have been more people that got hurt or even killed because you weren't there to help. Dominic don't make this to hard for yourself. You need to forgive yourself and realize that it wasn't your fault." She said while throwing her arm around me and grabbing me into a tight hug. "It's going to be okay. Trust me."

We kept talking for a while and then she left and I decided to pack my stuff. And when I was done packing MY stuff, I went on and got Luna her stuff. Just to bring it home for my parents.

Walking into her empty room was hard. The absence of Luna ripped my heart out and made reality smack me in the face. I went and sat down on her bed. I could smell her scent all over the room and I never wanted it to go away again. It felt comforting. When I closed my eyes I could see her giggling at me. I could see the little sparkles in her eyes. Her little brown curly hair bouncing around like she stood right in front of me. It killed me.

After I had said my goodbyes to everyone, uncle Fabio drove me to the airport so I could go back home.

Once we arrived, we both got out of the car, but before I left, my uncle stopped me.

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