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TJ's P.O.V
It's the middle of the night and all I could think about was how Cyrus didn't see them when I took off my shirt.... there's a logical explanation for why I did what I did...

The reason was because of what is happening currently. Jonah's father randomly comes in wanting to kill Cyrus and I don't know, it seems like someone out there is having the worst life ever.

I shook my head and looked at Cyrus who peacefully slept. I guess he really needed me to sleep over. The thing that concerned me the most was how he acted when he looked out the window and when his mom entered the room...

What nightmare did he have that scared him that bad... I shook my head once more and stared at the ceiling. I felt Cyrus move; he got up and went towards the window.

"TJ?" He asked.
"Yeah Muffin." I responded.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" Cyrus asked.
"Can't sleep." I answered.

Cyrus didn't reply. I got confused because he became stiff. Oh no... WHAT IF HE SAW THE CUTS?! I blame them on Jonah's father! Yeah that's what happened.

"Do you see that?" Cyrus asked.
"See what?" I answered confused.
"Over there." He replied pointing out the window.
"How am I suppose to see that?" I asked.
"Come here." Cyrus answered

I rolled my eyes and got up out of his bed. Walking towards Cyrus, he stood still like a murderer was standing out watching through the window.

"Cyrus?" I asked. "You ok?"
"It's Jonah." Cyrus answered.
"What's Jonah?" I asked.
"He looks sad and confused." He answered.

I looked out the window and saw Jonah just standing there. I got confused and immediately put on clothes and told Cyrus let's go.

We walked out of the door and went towards the wild Jonah. He was stiff. It seemed like he saw something he never wanted to see.

"Yo Jonah." I said.
"I was wrong." He replied with.
"About?" Cyrus asked.
"I was wrong." He repeated.
"Jonah answer the damn question." I told him starting to get scared.
"I was wrong." He said again.

I started to back away taking Cyrus with me. Jonah kept saying that he was wrong. It was starting to get creepy.

Jonah finally stopped saying that he was wrong. The second he stopped I told Cyrus to get on my back.

"Jonah?" I asked.

There was no answer. All he did though was look up and smiled creepily. I backed up even more almost starting to run backwards.

He held up a knife. I turned around and ran as fast as I could with Cyrus on my back. What's with him? What has gotten into that guy?

"You ruined everything!" Jonah yelled.
"What are you talking about?!" I asked.

I kept running for my life. The next thing that happened was me tripping over something and Cyrus hopped off and helped me up. It was no use by the time I got up, Jonah was standing there waiting to kill me.
I woke up gasping for air. Cyrus, Who was already awake looked at me confused. I shook my head and looked at him smiling.

"You ok?" He asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"Nightmare I'm guessing." Cyrus replied.

Cyrus smiled and sat back on his bed hugging me. That seemed too real to be a dream if I'm being completely honest. I mean Jonah and I have always been jealous of each other. Which is weird cause it's always involved Cyrus... Maybe that's saying something. Cyrus let go and lifted up a shirt and shorts.

"Put these on." He said.
"Alright." I laughed.

I got up and put the blue short-sleeved shirt and what seemed like beige shorts. Cyrus looked at me and gave that look. It seemed like in his mind he was saying "something's missing". I went to grab a sweatshirt and put it on.

"There it is." Cyrus said.
"The 'thing' missing was a sweatshirt?" I joked.
"Yessir!" He exclaimed.
"But it's outside!" I whined.
"Oh come here you big baby." Cyrus replied opening his arms.

I went in for the hug. It got me thinking though... He wanted me to wear a sweatshirt when it's 80 degrees. Maybe he knows about the cuts. I don't think he wants to bring it up though.... I won't either. It's not something we really need to get into.
Cyrus' P.O.V
Listen, I know about what TJ did. The only thing is, I don't wanna ask about it, so I left it alone. If he doesn't want to bring it up, I won't either.

I let go of the hug and smiled at him before walking over to my door to let the smell of pancakes and bacon fill the room. TJ's face when the smell smacked him in the face was funny.

"Got you hungry huh?" I asked.
"Yep." He answered laughing.
"Let's go and eat." I replied.

He nodded and took my hand. We both walked downstairs together and saw the whole buffet. There was pancakes, bacon, French toast, sausage, and lots more. I stood in shock.

"We're not having people over are we?" I asked.
"Hey Cyrus!" Andi and Buffy exclaimed.
"Holy crap!" I replied. "Since when did you guys get back?!"
"They got back just last night." Jonah answered.

I let go of TJ's hand and ran to Andi and Buffy. Seeing them here right now is amazing. I haven't seen them in so long!!! Aaah! It's like when Buffy said she was moving then came back!

"I don't mean to crash breakfast but Jonah invited me too. Is that ok?" I heard Shawn ask.
"Of course!" I answered.
"Cyrus eat. It's gonna get cold." Mom told me.
"Right!" I replied.

We all went over to the big ass spread out table and grabbed plates. God breakfast with friends and family is like one of the best things in the world. Next to ice cream of course! OH! TJ too....... Did I not mention that?! WHOOPS!!!

Hi! So the ending did make me hungry.... whoops! Anyways finally finished this chapter... I apologize for not updating. I'll try to more often. Alright see you soon! BYE!!!!

Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction) {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora