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TJ's P.O.V
Lunch began. The whole gang gathered up at the usual table. Everyone looked so down today. I know why Cyrus' reason. Why the rest?

"What happened to you two?" I asked.
"Shit broke out in biology." Buffy answered.
"Oh?" I replied confused.
"People started talking about gay people and they said some things that'll offend you two." Andi explained.

I nodded. Cyrus got up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up with him.

"Ok where are we going?" I asked smiling.
"You're getting me a muffin." Cyrus answered trying to keep a straight face.
"Why because you're my Muffin?" I asked.
"TJ..... Just no." He answered starting to laugh.
"Alright you two just get your muffin." Buffy said smiling.

We held hands as we walked to the muffin line. Hopefully Cyrus actually gets one this time. All of them run out before we could get there.

I saw people whom I've hated for a while start to come over here.

"Cyrus I know how much you want a muffin but we need to head back to the table." I said.
"Why??" He whined.
"Cyrus please." I answered.
"TJ what's going on?" He asked starting to worry.
"Hey faggots." Damion said shoving Cyrus.
"Leave us alone." I told him.

Damion continued to laugh as he shoved Cyrus again. This time with more power. Cyrus fell to floor.

"Damion stop this!" I yelled. I ran to Cyrus giving him a hand.
"Mmhmm. What are you going to do about this?" Damion asked.

I looked at the table and saw Buffy get up from her seat and head over here.

"Better watch out." I said.
"For what?" He asked.
"Me." Buffy answered angrily.
"Cyrus lets go." I told him.
"TJ... I don't wanna be here." Cyrus said.
"Ok we'll head into the hall. Grab you lunch." I replied.

Cyrus started walking back. I turned my head for a split second towards Buffy and Damion's group already started attacking him.

I turned around clenching my fists. I rushed towards them and punched everyone.

"I said LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled.
"Back the fuck off kippen." Alex said.
"I'm gonna say this one more time. Come near us again, and you'll be the ones on the floor." I threatened.

They saw how serious I was. They left as I picked Cyrus up off the ground.

"TJ!" Damion yelled. I turned around seeing Buffy on the ground.
"You mother fucker!" I yelled.

I rushed at him. I swung too fast for him to block. Damion quickly fell to the floor. I picked Buffy up bringing her to the table.

"H-How?" Damion asked.
"Never mess with me." I told him.

I took Cyrus' hand bringing him out into the hall.

"Cy... I'm sorry you didn't get your muffin." I apologized.
"It's ok..." he replied.

I sat on the wall. He sat next to me. I can't believe that Damion would ever say stuff like that. He was once a nice person... Someone changed him.

I felt Cyrus bury his head into my chest and wrap his arms around me.

"Cy?" I asked. He looked up at me with red eyes. "Hey. It's ok muffin."
"I don't belong on this planet TJ." He cried. "I don't deserve happiness like everyone else."
"Don't say that. You're happy when we're together. Don't think for a second you don't belong here." I said.

"Open your eyes TJ. All of the things that happened last year, the stuff that's been happening now. All of it is trying to tell me I don't belong here. You had to fight people whom you were close with just to get me out of there. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve anyone who I love/loved. All of it just blows up in my face. Can't you see that?" Cyrus told me.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I didn't know that Cyrus felt that way... He normally tells me everything that happens. Why hasn't he told me this?

"I wouldn't say that you aren't happy with TJ because I know you are Cyrus." ??? Said.

I looked up. My eyes widened.

"Jonah?" I asked. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?"
"I moved back here." He answered.

I saw Cyrus flinch. He didn't even turn around to say hi. He's crushed.

"Cyrus, TJ is your boyfriend. He needs to understand why you feel this way... TJ needs to understand why. Like I did." Jonah told him.

"You shut up!" Cyrus shouted. "You moved Jonah.... I was crushed ok? Yeah it's nice that you're back but it's not gonna be the same."

I looked at Cyrus. "You need to calm down." I said.

"No he's right. I left his heart to die..." Jonah said.

"Nine months.... Nine months Jonah. Didn't even text me saying how you were.... Didn't say anything. I was frightened because of what happened. HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME YOU WERE HURT?!"

Jonah looked at him so confused. Cyrus let go of me and ran outside. Jonah looked at me sadly.

"I'll handle this ok? Buffy and Andi in there where the muffin line is." I told him.

He nodded. I rushed after Cyrus. I looked around for Cyrus. He was gone. I ran back inside to tell the rest of the group.

"Cyrus isn't outside. He's gone..." I said panicking.
"I feel like I know where he is." Jonah said scared.

We all rang after Jonah who brought us to Cyrus' house. I was confused. I looked up and saw Cyrus on the roof standing.

"Cyrus?!" I shouted. "Don't do this!"

Shorter chapter I know but I explained somethings in a different book on why it's like this.... Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter! Bye!

Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction) {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora