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Cyrus' P.O.V
It was a new day and Jonah and I were hanging out. I looked at him with a confused face.

"What?" He asked.
"Do you ever miss what we had?" I said confused.
"A little bit." He answered.
"Me too." I told him.
"So what do you wanna do?" Jonah asked.
"I have ping pong downstairs." I answered.
"Alright!" He exclaimed.

Jonah and I made our way down to the basement. His face brightened up for all the games and stuff we had down there.

"You had all of this down here and you never invited me over?" He asked taking offense.
"Yes." I answered.
"How cruel of you Cyrus...." Jonah joked.
"Yup I'm bad." I played along.

The doorbell rang. Jonah looked at me and nodded. I shook my head and stayed down here with him.

"Let's start." I told him.
"Alright!" He exclaimed.
TJ's P.O.V
I rang Cyrus' doorbell to see if he was home. Instead of him answering which was a shocker, his father answered the door.

"It's Cyrus' husband!" Mr. Goodman exclaimed. I blushed in embarrassment.
"No, we're only dating sir." I replied.
"Oh, well Cyrus is in the basement with Jonah." He told me.
"Thanks." I replied.

Mr. Goodman directed me in and towards the basement. I remember Cyrus saying something about hanging out with Jonah but he didn't wanna be with him alone.

"Ooo 3-0! How does it feel to loose?" Cyrus' asked Jonah.
"I see the tables have turned." Jonah answered smiling.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I said.
"Hey TJ." Cyrus replied.

I looked at Jonah as he gave me a glare. Cyrus looked at Jonah and gave him a confused look.

"Jonah is everything ok?" Cyrus asked.
"I just remembered I have somewhere to be." He answered.
"Jonah are you jealous that you lost?" Cyrus asked.
"No it's what he did." Jonah answered.

Jonah walked upstairs. Cyrus looked at me confused.

"What did you do?" Cyrus asked.
"I didn't do anything." I answered truthfully.
"I'll go talk to him." He replied.

Cyrus ran upstairs chasing after Jonah.

"I guess I'll just stay down here." I said to myself.
Cyrus' P.O.V
I chased Jonah out of the door and tackled him.

"Cyrus get off of me!" Jonah yelled.
"What did he do to you?" I asked him.
"It's not what he did to me, it's what he did to you!" He answered.
"What?" I asked.
"He took you somewhere that had a gun." Jonah answered.

"He apologized for that happening! He told me if he knew Reed was going to bring the gun that he wouldn't have gone and wouldn't have brought me." I explained.

"He should've asked before anything happened!" Jonah said starting to yell.
"It's not his fault that a gun was brought. He had no idea what was happening." I replied staying calm.

Jonah gave me a disgusted look. I rolled my eyes and turned around leaving him behind me.

"Cyrus!" Jonah called out. I stopped.
"Why should I talk to you if all of you can't forgive TJ for his mistake?" I asked.

I continued walking. I stepped back into my house heading back down into the basement where TJ was left.

"What happened?" TJ asked concerned.
"No one forgives you for what happened with the gun." I answered.
"I didn't know what was going on. I couldn't-"
"I believe you." I told him. "You said you told Medcalf about the gun before I did. I believe you."

He smiled at me. I gave a small smile before hugging him. TJ hugged back as I heard my father come down the stairs.

"Cyrus Jonah's back." He told me. "Oh no I didn't interrupt anything did I?"
"No you didn't and why?" I answered.
"Just listen to him ok." My dad told me.
"Fine send him down." I replied.

Dad ran back upstairs to send Jonah down. I looked at TJ and I saw something I've never seen before. He broke down. It wasn't breaking down from school Problems or "me" problems.

"Are you ok?" I asked before Jonah came down.
"Cyrus all of our friends don't trust me anymore..." He answered sobbing.
"It'll be ok, they won't stay mad at you forever." I told him.

We heard Jonah start to come down. I sent TJ to the bathroom that was down here. Jonah made his way towards me.

"Can we talk for a second?" Jonah asked me.
"Yeah." I answered.
"I apologize for my behavior earlier. Something in me just came out that I've been holding back ever since the incidence.." He explained.
"Jonah I'm not the one you're suppose to apologize to." I told him.

He raised a brow as TJ came out of the bathroom. I looked at Jonah and then looked at TJ. Jonah sighed and turned towards TJ.

"TJ I'm sorry... Cyrus explained everything to me and if we can just push it passed us and be cool, I'll be fine." Jonah apologized.
"Yeah. We're cool Jonah." TJ replied.
"Up for a game of ping pong?" Jonah asked TJ.
"Who isn't." He answered taking the paddle.

I smiled and walked towards the table holding up my hands. As time went on, Jonah ended up winning by 1.

"Getting back my winning streak." Jonah said.
"We'll see about that." I replied.
"Oh? Seems like you got competition Jonah." TJ said.
TJ's P.O.V
I had gotten a text from my mother while Jonah and Cyrus were playing Ping Pong. Cyrus ended up winning....

You still at Cyrus'?
Yeah is that ok?
Yeah, I was just gonna go out with some friends.
Ok I'll ask Cy if I can eat here
Alright see you later.

I looked back up and nudged Cyrus quickly before they started another match.

"Is it ok if I eat here?" I asked.
"Yeah. Let me ask." Cyrus answered.

Cyrus set down the paddle and ran upstairs quickly. I looked at Jonah as he smiled.

"You two seem happy together." He told me.
"Yeah." I replied.
"It reminds me of jyrus.... Kind of but I'm not going to get in the way of you two." Jonah said.
"That's really mature." I told him.

We stopped talking as dead silence filled the room. Cyrus came down the stairs.

"You can. Also Jonah, my mom said you can stay for dinner to, if you want." Cyrus said.
"I'm fine but thanks." Jonah replied.

Jonah's phone went off. He checked it then suddenly ran out of the house. Cyrus and I looked confused and followed. We made it to a burning house.

"Jonah?" I asked.
"It can't.... Not again!" Jonah cried.

I froze and visions came to my head.

"Cyrus how could you?" Jonah asked.
"I didn't do this." Cyrus answered.
"TJ this is who you're dating?" Jonah asked. "You can do better."

I came back into reality and looked around. No time had passed. I looked at Jonah then at Cyrus. I sighed and then heard a scream. Without hesitation, I ran inside Jonah's burning house searching for the scream.

"Mrs. Beck?! Are you in here?!" I called out.
"HELP!" She screamed.

I followed the screams to the kitchen. I saw Jonah's mother and grabbed her hand pulling her towards the exit. Before I could reach the light. Everything fell. Ash and burns covered my body as I fell onto the burning floor.

My eyes slowly shut as I heard cracks and felt the fiery heat against my face...

Hey guys longer chapter today also sorry for the absence but I'm back and here to update! See you next time! Bye!!

Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction) {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang