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TJ's P.O.V
Well Cyrus caught me cutting myself but he understood completely. Not saying that Sarcastically. He actually understood because the stuff that happened to me happened to Cyrus first.

Why would people all of a sudden just start this shit up. Poor Cyrus. He got through this, why can't I? What's happening? Am I softening up? Am I being too nice to people? Maybe I should be a little meaner to people. 

Any-who. Cyrus is about to fight a bully named Alex. I don't know how Cyrus is being so strong...

"Cyrus, please be careful." I said.
"I will." He replied so determined.

Alex didn't even see him coming. He looked so shocked after Cyrus punched him. Cyrus realized what he did and apologized as quick as possible.

"That's it punk." Alex said.
"TJ!" He yelled. I got up and charged at Alex.
"Cyrus stay back." I told him.
"I can't let you do this alone. It's not gonna be Jonah all over again." Cyrus replied.

I was thrown off. I remember him telling me about the Jonah thing. It was just a few weeks ago... while me being in my own head, I didn't realize that Alex came towards me.

I finally came back to reality and realized that Cyrus stood in front of me blocking his punch. He looked so determined and afraid of nothing.

I felt cold hands touch mine. Instantly I knew it was Lucas. I looked down and then nodded. Lucas did his weird but cool ghostly things and threw Alex back and away from Cyrus.

"W-What?" Cyrus asked so confused.
"Mr. Cyrus please get away from this man. Run!" Lucas yelled.

Cyrus shook his head. I rolled my eyes grabbing Cyrus and started running. He tried to pull me back but I was stronger than he was. I stopped and hugged Cyrus.

"TJ What are you doing?" He asked. I let go.
"You could've been hurt. You seriously think I would let that happen?" I answered with a different question.
"TJ I'm fine you don't need to worry about m-"

I cut him off with a kiss. It lasted longer than we've ever kissed before. We pulled apart. He looked confused.

"What was that for?" He asked.
"Kissing the person that means everything to me. Someone who I'd die for." I answered.

I saw him start to blush. I continued to spill out my feelings for him.

"Cyrus, I like being around you more than anyone else." I started. "I lay in bed always thinking about you, to the point where I think to what I can do to be a better boyfriend towards you. I've always doubted myself because I thought 'hey you're not worth Cyrus' time. You're not good enough for him.' I realize now that I don't need to do anything to change myself for you. You love me for who I am. When we started talking at the swing set about stuff about us, I couldn't help but wanted to be your friend. Then I saw you with Jonah and I started to get jealous. Before I get too off topic, I just wanted to saw that you mean everything to me and if you died, I don't know what I would do."

I finally stopped because I saw Cyrus start to cry. I didn't know if that was like happy tears or something else.

"TJ... that was so sweet. I love you." He said hugging me.
"I love you too." I replied.
Cyrus' P.O.V
Well I just heard it from TJ that I'm his everything. That he'd die for me. Now I feel bad. I didn't say anything besides I love you. That's no pick up line. Oi.

I feel like I'm not good enough anymore. Ugh. Why does this remind me of when I was with Jonah. I didn't think I was good enough for him but he knew what I was thinking... That's a little weird right? Maybe not.

"Cy? You ok?" TJ asked.
"Yep." I lied.
"You're thinking you're not good enough because I gave you that speech." He said reading my mind.

Damn it. There it goes again. Is that like a super power or something that people have? To read people's minds.

"Yeah just a bit." I said.
"Don't be you're my little muffin. You're fine just the way you are." TJ replied smiling.
"What do I call you?" I asked. "I can't call you scary basketball guy because you're not scary to me anymore."

"Well you can call me.... Uh...." he said trying to think of something.
"Ugh!" I whined.
"There you two are!" Buffy exclaimed.
"Huh?" I asked confused.
"Lunch started like 5 minutes ago!" She answered.
"Oh. Well we'll be there soon Driscoll." TJ told her.
"Ok." She replied.

Buffy went back to the cafeteria. I focused my attention back to TJ. He looked confused and seemed to be staring behind me.

"What's behind me?" I asked.
"It's you." TJ answered.
"What?" I asked even more confused.
"Cyrus there's two of you." TJ answered.

I looked confused as I turned around. I saw myself but he was looking confused as ever. I stared at him with the most confused look ever.

"You look just like me." The other me said.
"Are you Cyrus?" I asked him.
"No, that was a person I played on a TV show." He answered. "My name is Josh."
"Josh?" I asked myself. "Why does that name sound so familiar?"
"I believe we've met before." Josh answered. "That's funny you look just like Luke."
"Who?" TJ asked confused.
"Luke? Luke Mullen?" Josh replied.

I saw another Jonah and TJ. I was actually really confused.

"Josh you comin'?" TJ's other self said. "Haha that's me."
"So you're Luke?" TJ asked.
"Jonah?" I asked.
"No, Asher." He answered.

My head started pounding. I looked at everyone confused. Wow I miss Jonah. Asher looks exactly like him. Luke and everyone else looks exactly like....... Ugh I'll just stop and let this go...

Hey! I need a favor. Can you guys come up with a name that Cyrus can call TJ? I was trying to come up with one but I couldn't. I'll take any suggestions! Bye!!

Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction) {Completed}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora