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TJ's P.O.V
I woke up to see Cyrus up and already dressed for Thanksgiving. He was wearing a blue stripped shirt and blue jeans. As he looked up, he saw me finally awake.

"Morning sleepyhead." Cyrus said.
"Hey you." I replied.
"I already picked out an outfit for you to wear!" Cyrus exclaimed.
"Oh muffin you did have to do that." I told him.
"I know, I just wanted to get an early start!" He exclaimed.
"You're always on top of things." I said.

He looked at me and smiled throwing me the same f he was wearing. I looked at him and sighed.

"Matching?" I whined.
"Yes." Cyrus answered. "Now put it on please!"
"Ok but if I don't like it, can I at least switch the shirt?" I asked.
"Sure." He answered.
"You're the best." I told him.

I kissed his cheek before leaving for the bathroom. As I was changing, I heard Cyrus yell ow. I quickly put on the jeans and ran back towards Cyrus' room forgetting I didn't have a shirt on.

"Are you ok?" I asked. I saw him look at me and blush hard.
"I-I'm fine!" Cyrus answered still lighting up the entire room.

I looked at him confused. I looked down and realized why he was blushing. I looked up at him grinning.

"What are you doing?" Cyrus asked.
"Come here." I answered.
"Ok?" He replied confused.

He walked towards me hesitantly. I took his hand pulling him into me. I kissed him as he put his hand on my chest. We pulled apart.

"That's what you wanted to do?" Cyrus asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"You're so weird." He joked.
"Yeah and so are you." I played along.

I threw on my shirt finally as Cyrus' face darkened. I looked at the shirt and looked at him shaking my head.

"Darn. You don't like it?" Cyrus asked.
"Not really." I answered. "But if you want to match I can handle it."
"Really?!" He asked getting excited.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Thank you so much!" He exclaimed hugging me.
"You're welcome." I said.

Cyrus let go and took my hand. He started dragging me downstairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked.
"We always have a special breakfast on Thanksgiving Day." Cyrus answered.
"Oh?" I asked confused.
"It's normally just pancakes and bacon." Cyrus answered.
"Oh ok." I replied.

As we made our way towards the stairs, I could smell the bacon and hear the pancakes sizzle on the pan.

Cyrus motioned me to sit down next to him. I was so excited to eat and spend this holiday with my boyfriend!

"How are you TJ?" Cyrus' mom asked while setting down the food.
"I'm doing well, and you?" I answered.
"Doing well thank you very much." She replied.
"So Cyrus have you two done anything yet?" His dad joked.
"James!" Cyrus' mom exclaimed.
"No." Cyrus answered.

I looked at him and smiled while shaking my head slightly. Cyrus chuckled and looked down. I turned my attention back towards his parents.

"So got any embarrassing facts about Cyrus?" I asked them. I saw Cyrus look up in shock.
"In fact, yes we do." His mom answered.
"I don't think TJ wants to hear all-"
"Why not? Just because you dropped plate doesn't give you a reason to get out of this." His dad commented.

I looked at him with a smile and my eyes widened. "You dropped a plate?" I asked. His face turned bright pink.

"Oh and tell him about the time Cyrus was talking in his sleep about TJ." James said.
"Alright dad we get it." Cyrus said embarrassed.
"Oh c'mon! That's cute." I told him.
"TJ I appreciate that but please stop." He replied.
"Fine." I said.
Time had passed since breakfast. Cyrus and I stayed upstairs in his room as the parents cooked. We sat on his bed just talking.

"TJ?" Cyrus asked.
"Yeah?" I answered confused.
"If I suddenly disappeared, what would you do?" He asked me.
"I would be depressed and try looking for you." I answered truthfully.
"That's not what I meant." Cyrus replied.
"Then, What is it?" I asked.
"I meant disappearing as in like dying." He answered.
"I'd be depressed." I told him.
"Would you try doing anything?" Cyrus asked.
"No." I answered.

He sighed in relief. I looked at him and raised a brow. Cyrus looked at me with the most depressed face ever.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked.

"That nightmare I told you about earlier, you said I'm a note, after I left everyone flipped out and everyone of our friends died. I cut myself too many times and I saw you at the park on the swing with slit forearms... I didn't know if that meant anything." Cyrus explained.

I looked at him in shock. That was just a nightmare... That doesn't mean it'll come true. I finally spoke.

"Cyrus..." I started. "That was just a nightmare. Luckily dreams can't tell the future... most of the time.... anyways if you died, sure I'd be depressed but hearing that you cut yourself and me slitting my forearms sound kind of absurd for that to be us. Just listen to me ok. That won't happen. I promise."

He looked up full of tears. My smile appeared slightly. I whipped the tears from his eyes and kissed his cheek.

"No matter what happens to either of us, we have to promise each other not to do anything stupid, even if it hurts us the most." I told him.
"I promise." Cyrus chuckled with tears falling from his eyes.
"Hey there's something I wanna show you." I told him.

He looked at me confused. Cyrus raised an brow. I pulled out my phone and went to the photos. The first thing I did was go to an album I was working on.

"Here just watch this." I told him handing the phone.
"What's this?" Cyrus asked.
"Just hit play." I answered.

"This is my thanksgiving special." My voice said. "I'm thankful for all of my friends, my family and the love of my life, Cyrus Goodman."

The audio stopped as music cued in. A montage of photos appeared. Cyrus covered his mouth and he started to tear up again. Cyrus set my phone down and jumped into me.

"TJ..." Cyrus sobbed. "That was beautiful!"
"It is Thanksgiving and I wanted to give you a gift." I told him.
"I didn't get you anything." He relied.
"Did I surprise you?" I asked.
"Yes. You did." Cyrus answered.

We kissed. It got interrupted by Cyrus' mother yelling dinner.

"C'mon!" Cyrus exclaimed.
"Ok." I replied getting up.

I guess having thanksgiving with Cyrus was a good idea...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!! Hope you enjoyed your delicious dinners and this chapter! BYE!

Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction) {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن