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The indistinctive chatter and silverware clinking against plates and bowls were deafening that Friday evening, and they've only been there for a couple of minutes.

Yoongi's apprehensive eyes drifted around the restaurant, making sure not to stare at someone long enough to the point where they feel his eyes on them and look over, before skittishly glancing down at the menu.

Yoongi didn't do well in crowded places; his anxiety wouldn't let him.

M/N looked up at Yoongi to ask him if he was ready to order when he caught sight of how the man attempted to hide within the restaurant menu, small beads of sweat building up above his brows.

M/N frowned, placing the menu down on the table.

"Yoongi, are you okay?"

Yoongi quickly nodded, not noticing the way his breathing was gradually quickening. "Yeah, I-I'm fine!"

"Okay," M/n stood up, taking Yoongi's hand in his and gently pulling him to stand.

"What are you doing-"

"You obviously aren't fine, so, we're leaving."


"No buts."

They exited the restaurant, M/N towing Yoongi next to him as they leisurely walked down the sidewalk

There was a quiet amongst the two for a while, then Yoongi chose to break it.

"...I'm sorry..."

M/N looked down at Yoongi's shorter stature and furrowed his eyebrows. "For what?"

"I ruined our date with my social anxiety." Yoongi stared at the ground in guilt.

'Now, he'll never want to date me.'

M/N stopped, making Yoongi stop as well, and tenderly grabbed Yoongi's face.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I understand."

Yoongi blushed, enjoying the warmth from M/N's hands.


"Yeah. Anyone who wouldn't is an asshole."

'I think I'm in love-'

Many of Yoongi's previous lovers broke up with him, solely based off the fact that Yoongi wasn't comfortable and got nervous around a lot of people, often opting to stay at home or go to an empty park for a date.

Yoongi now realized he dated a lot of assholes.

M/N made Yoongi feel loved the past few days, his sweet texts being the only thing he looked forward to after a long day.

"So," Yoongi cleared his throat, his face still in M/N's hands, "what now?"

M/N let go, making Yoongi inwardly whine, missing the warmth on his face, but shut up when M/N took his hand. "What do you want to do?"

'I want you to fu-'

"Uh," Yoongi paused, "can we...go back to your place?"

M/N smirked. "My place? Yoongi, aren't you going a bit too fast?"

"I-I mean, if-if you think so-" Yoongi stuttered with wide eyes, suddenly feeling embarrassed for suggesting the idea.

"I'm just messing with you, Yoongi." M/N chuckled deeply, Yoongi melted at the sound. "Sure, we can go to my place."

Yoongi pouted and lightly punched M/N's shoulder.

"Not funny."

"Kind of, funny."

"I hate you."

"You love it, though."

'You know, I think I do.'

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