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Yoongi made the decision to visit the shop a week later on that nice Tuesday, gently pushing the pink door open a second time. The shop was just as pretty and homey as the week before.

"Welcome to Sweet Stems-oh! It's you!" M/N smiled; he was working the register that day. "I was getting worried you would never show up."

Yoongi gulped, his spit seemed too thick to swallow at that moment.

'I should have come sooner,' he internally cursed himself, 'he's so fine.'

"Yeah." He walked up to the counter.

"I'm sorry," M/N suddenly blurted, causing Yoongi to feel dumbfounded.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I probably came on too strong last week and creeped you out. It was an introvert's way of telling you that I found you attractive without actually saying it outright." M/N rubbed the back of his neck, a light blush dusting over his cheeks.

Yoongi waved his hands, his cat-like eyes widening, but on the inside, he swooned. 'He's so considerate.'

"It didn't creep me out!" Yoongi realized he was a bit louder than necessary and lowered his voice, suddenly becoming interested in a loose string on the end of his sleeve, "I found it kind of sweet."

M/N eyed Yoongi's frame, smiling at the shyness radiating off of him. Then, "What's your name?"

'I thought you'd never ask-'

"Min Yoongi."

M/N repeated the name a few times, seemingly testing out each syllable on his tongue, savoring each letter passing within his teeth, letting the name rest comfortably on his lips.

Yoongi loved the way M/N said his name.

"'Min Yoongi,' it suits you."

"Thanks..." Yoongi trailed off.

The two fell into an awkward silence.

Yoongi tried to rake through his brain for what to say next, but his mouth just moved on its own accord after a few blank seconds. M/N opened his mouth as well.

"Do you-"

"Would you-"

Yoongi and M/N talked over each other, lightly laughing afterward. Yoongi wrung his hands, trying to dry the building nerve-sweat. "Go ahead."

"You sure?" M/N raised a brow, Yoongi's knees wavering at the display.


"Okay," M/N cleared his throat and attempted to put on a serious expression, but a grin threatened to break through the barrier, "would you be so kind to bestow upon me the honor to take you to dinner some time this week?"

'Fuck yes-'

Yoongi couldn't contain his smile, gums in full view. M/N inwardly cooed at the adorable scene.

"Of course, M/N."

M/N leaned across, his elbows resting on the countertop, his face a few inches away from Yoongi's. He was so close, Yoongi could feel M/N's warm breath fan across his cheeks, the pale skin heating up because of the close proximity.

"What day am I picking you up, Yoongi?"

Yoongi looked into M/N's eyes and nearly whimpered at the intensity he held within them.

"Fr-Friday is o-okay."

"Perfect; I just need your number, so, you can text me your address."

M/N leaned back to get a piece of paper and a pen, Yoongi letting out a deep breath he never knew he was holding in, and slid them across the counter.

Yoongi grabbed the pen and wrote down his number, deciding to be a bit bold and draw a heart on the corner of the paper, and sliding it back over.

M/N grabbed the paper, folded it, and placed it into his back pocket.

Yoongi backed up and walked to the shop's door, the wind chimes ringing when it opened and looked back at M/N.

"See you Friday, M/N."

"Yes, you will, Yoongi."

Yoongi walked out.

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