III - Reapercussions

Start from the beginning

"You saved your life because you need me," Anya replied, staring her down. "I know the way back to your people, I know where the traps are hidden. The two of you would never make it on your own."

I shot her a glare and then returned to keeping a look out. "Wanna bet?"

Clarke huffed and headed down the tunnel. I glanced at Anya and then followed her. "We don't have time for this. Our best chance of making it out of here alive is together. All we can do is keep moving and hope-"

She stopped abruptly when she looked over her shoulder to find the Grounder gone.

"Guess we're on our own," I muttered. Down the other passage, I caught a glimpse of approaching torchlight, which could only mean one thing. "Let's go!"

Together, we raced down the other tunnel. Heart pounding, adrenaline pumping, I was in a state of motion unlike anything ever before. These tunnels were infested with people who would kill us without a thought. All that I could think about was to keep moving, so I nearly ran Clarke over when she stopped in front of me. I looked to see what had caught her attention and swallowed nervously when I saw a Reaper coming down the way we were heading.

I turned back to see if we could run that way, but found another Reaper coming from there. Every possible path poured out Reapers. We were surrounded. I tried to run, to see if I could pass by them, but there were too many.

"No," I whispered beneath my breath. "No no no no no."

Clarke and I pressed our backs up against the cold stone wall dripping with water. Reapers closed in on us, snarling, covered in blood and reeking of death. I reached out and grabbed Clarke's hand, not wanting to meet my end alone, and hoping it gave her some comfort as well.

One of the Reapers got so close to me, I was breathing his hot, stinking breath. I coughed and gagged, and gripped tighter to Clarke's hand. Just as I thought he was about to kill me, a high pitched ringing reverberated throughout the cavern. Around us, the Reapers clamped their hands over their ears and wailed as they collapsed to the ground.

Wildly, I looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of the noise, and didn't find any relief when a few men in hazmat suits came running down the tunnels, screaming at the Reapers to get away from us.

"Clarke Griffin, Y/n Kane, you're coming with us," said one of the men.

I struggled a bit as two of them each put a hand around my elbows but let them lead me away from the Reapers. As we headed back towards the mountain, however, panic rose in my chest. I glance back at Clarke behind me, and she had the same fearful look in her eyes. Whatever waited for us behind that door was nothing good.

"I saw everything," I said, struggling against the men. "I know what you're doing to them. We both do."

"That's why you're going in the harvest chamber with them," said the man to my left.

My eyes widened, and my fight instinct kicked in. As one of the men went to open the door, I kicked the only one holding on to me, and he released his hold on me. I turned to Clarke to help her, but Anya jumped down from the ceiling, tackling the two men flanking Clarke. I stopped worrying about her and instead focused on the man that had taken hold of me again. I grunted and yanked my arm free with all my strength, and then pulled his mask off, exposing him to the air. He screamed and clawed at his face, but I didn't wait around to see what happened, and ran after Clarke and Anya.

Clarke stopped in front of me to pick up one of the men's guns. I flashed her a smile. She never ran out of good ideas.

Behind us, the door flew open and several armed men in hazmat suits chased after us. Panting, I tried to keep my focus on running down the metal tracks and to not trip over the rungs. If I could escape, I could save everyone in this mountain, I could see Bellamy again.

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