I flicked him on the arm but he paid me no mind, continuing to play with Olivia.

"Oh my god. You're Harper King. I'm a huge fan. Can I please get a photo?" I heard someone say from behind me so I turned around to be face to face with a woman who looked to be in her late twenties.

I grinned at her. "Of course."

A few more people seemed to notice me after that and asked for photos and I happily obliged. Contrary to what you'd think, I actually loved taking photos with my fans; it felt amazing if I could make them smile.

About ten minutes later, I made my way back over to Zack. "Come on then, let's get ice cream. Carter co—" I cut myself off mid sentence, eyes widening.

"Zack," I said slowly. "Where's Carter?"

He gave me an incredulous look, motioning over to the person pretending to be Goofy. "He's right over— shit. Fuck. Harper, where the hell is our brother?"

I didn't even bother to reply, already going up to the person pretending to be Goofy in the hopes that they'd  know where he was. Unfortunately, they just shook their head at me before turning to the next child waiting to talk to them.

I ran my fingers through my auburn locks, running back to Zack. "How the hell could you lose our brother?"

"You lost him too. Don't blame all this on me."

"But yo—" I started but stop myself, knowing that our bickering would be pointless. I'd kill him after I found Carter. "We'll talk later. Just keep an eye on Olivia. We can't lose her as well," I said, sprinting away from him, shouting Carter's name as I ran about the massive park like a mad woman.

After fifteen minutes of no luck, I started to get more and more desperate, stopping random members of the public in the hopes that they'd seen my little brother. Unfortunately, since we were in France, a lot of them were a bit confused with what I was saying, seeing as I was speaking ridiculously fast. I tried talking to them in French but I was a bit rusty and in my panic all my words seemed to slur together and made even less sense than when I was speaking in incomprehensibly fast English.

Most of them just gave me strange looks before walking away. Not even caring at this point, I started pulling on my hair, still running around looking for my brother. "Carter! Carter!" My eyes scanned over the vast crowds, trying to spot the nine-year-old with hair and eyes akin to mine but to no avail.

With the panic fully settling in, I continued to run about the place, not paying attention to where I was going so I wasn't surprised when I ended up colliding with a large body. However, what I didn't expect was for them to scream out in obvious pain.

Worried, I looked up and noticed that I'd bumped into a security guard and made him spill scalding hot coffee all over his front. I cringed, worry pooling in my eyes as I fished around stupidly for the tissues in my purse. "Je suis désolé. Je suis désolé," I told him frantically, bobbing my head apologetically.

He cursed me and waved his hand in dismissal when I finally managed to find my tissues in my mess of a bag and offered them to him. He turned on his heel, muttering something about 'stupid young people' in french and started to walk away.

He didn't get very far before I heard Zack screeching my name as he charged over to me, his feet thundering on the paved ground. "Harper, wait! Harper!"

Not realising that he wasn't slowing down, I didn't move out of the way and his body collided with mine, sending both of us tumbling to the ground as well as the already angry security guard because he hadn't moved far enough away to evade the commotion in time.

The Fallen King | ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ