Chapter 2: Last Day of School

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I automatically got up cause it was the last day of school and after school I had to finish packing for what was about to happen the next day so I'm so glad mom and dad even agreed it was about be senior year next year and I wanted to spend this summer with my own freedom. And my best friends could come too.
"Jenny! Hurry up and get ready for school you'll be late to the bus!"(Mom)

I wore this and then was about to head downstairs then I looked at my phone and wondered about it cuz I didn't want to carry it all the time

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I wore this and then was about to head downstairs then I looked at my phone and wondered about it cuz I didn't want to carry it all the time.
Right. Forgot I don't need to bring my book bag today I'll just bring my small bag with me. I run down the stairs and I walk to the kitchen.
"Hey Mom."(Jenny)
"Hey sweetie. Bus comes in 10."(Mom)
"I know I checked time"(Jenny) I walked to the living room and turned on the tv and got a text from Serena.
'Serena😜'- Ready for tomorrow I'm so excited Justin invited us
'Me'- Same I'm almost done packing hbu?
'Serena😜'- Done gtg bus is here
'Me'- kk
"Bye Mom!"(Jenny)
Then I went to the bus stop and saw Enyonam
"I'm so excited and I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight,"(Jenny)
"Same but we're gonna need the energy."(Enyonam)
We the bus come and as we got on we sat near Serena & Kayla - Genesis & Jessica
"Sup guys."(Enyonam)
"Hey you guys ready to head to Justin's cabins over the summer I'm surprise my dad even let me go,"(Serena)
"I never to pack my hygiene and then we can get going."(Jenny)
"Same, same."(Kayla) the next stop Genji and Hanzo stop where were almost all girls like them while I just talk to him all the boys were stuck at the back the average girls were in the middle and then the Drama girls are stuck up front cause they can't stop fighting or act their age when it comes to people or they judge people on how they look and how their so ugly or pretty Genji and Hanzo were their damn weaknesses. Genji sits across from us on the bus we're both in seat 8 Genji would sit with Justin and then he would always wavy at serena I keep thinking they shouldn't be friends. She's been crushing on him since we were in 7th grade and she thinks Genji likes me but he probably doesn't, Me and him are just friends I look at him with his green hair and his eyes were just so indescribable but it's just a small crush (sort of)
"Hey Jenny,"(Genji) {he had an amazing smile on his face Oml I had to play it cool}
"Hey Genji, hows a- hey Genji."(Jenny)
"*laughs* I'm good you excited for that trip?."(Genji)
"Almost down packing but yeah."(Jenny)
Enyonam gives me a grin every time I talk to Genji
"You like him."(Enyonam) *FUCK! How did she. know?!*
"What makes you say that?"(Jenny)
"I see the way u look at him, and I see the way he talks you, I see how u both are kinda awkward around each other."(Enyonam)
"So you like him."(Enyonam)
"shhhh!!!"(Jenny) we finally make to school and the and then I was walk beside Enyonam and then Genji walks beside me. But still talk to Justin the guys who came out the bus were Ryan, Jacob, Rico, Kevin & Hanzo. Me and Enyonam we're heading into the building for 1st period- Science/ Chem. Genji was my partner in that class.
"Now happy last day of school class I hope u have a great summer and now I have no plans for today so you can talk to your friends just as long you don't break anything."(Teacher)
"I can't make any promises,"(Genji) Genji whispered to me as I quietly laughed.
"You are free,"(Teacher) everyone started and talking to everyone and I pulled out my phone and started scrolling all over insta and I felt someone just take my phone straight from my hands
"Hey! Give that-"(Jenny)
"Yes,"(Jenny) I said with a smile
"Here you go."(Genji)
He handed me my phone and before I could grab it he held it up in the air
"Hey that's the iPhoneXR that shit was expensive!"(Jenny)
"Oh was it now."(Genji)
"Yes!"(Jenny) as I was trying to reach for it I grab his arm and he grabs my waist and pulls it closer to him then puts my phone in my back pocket and I looked into his brown eyes and puts a note in the side pocket. And he whispers in my ear.
"Read it after class."(Genji)
"Ok."(Jenny) he walks away and Enyonam, Serena & Kayla run in front of me almost tripping over each other
"CAN U BREATHE BET U CANT I wonder if Chris would feel the same about me BUT STILL!!"(Enyonam)
"I have no words."(Kayla)
"One yes I can breathe and two he left me a note in my back pocket."(Jenny)
"He WHAT!"(Enyonam & Serena) before I could say anything Justin was standing on top of the table with flowers.
"May I have your attention! Ms. Kosher I hope you don't say anything when I do this,"(Justin)
"Carry on."(Ms. Kosher)
"Good I have to tell this girl that she's smart, pretty, and a great best friend."(Justin)
He looks at Serena and smiles
"Serena will you make me the happiest guy ever and go out with me?"(Justin) she didn't think twice when she said this.
The entire class was clapping and then Serena and Justin were kissing.
"GET A ROOM!!"(Jenny)
"I will when we get to my house,"(Justin) he put her and ran out into the hallway.
"Ms. Kosher aren't you going to stop them,"(Enyonam)
"Their 17 they'll be fine."(Ms. Kosher)
"Oh my lord."(Jenny)
Genji was talking with his buddies and I was with Kayla, Enyonam, Jessica & Genesis talking about what we'd do if we got to Justin's cabins but Jess and Genesis weren't going. And then I saw Serena and Justin they walked back in the classroom nothing looked crazy about them. Serena walked over to us.
"What happened?"(Jenny)
"We made out in the janitor's closet."(Serena)
"So your a virgin?"(Enyonam)
"This time?"(Jenny)
"Yes Jenny 🙄."(Serena)
"I'm going with Hanzo he's such a god to me."(Kayla)
"So Genesis and Jessica gonna do for the summer of your not coming with us?"(Serena)
"We're gonna just chill at Hawaii."(Genesis)
"Our moms said it was cool for us to do that."(Jessica)
"We wish you guys were their but have fun."(Jenny)
Then class was over and then I open up the note Genji gave me as I read it says: "Hey Jenny I have to say something I've want to tell you all year but never had the guts to I like you like a lot and I wanted you to know and if you don't feel the same way I just wanted you to know but if you feel the same can you tell me you do. -Genji
I saw Genji up ahead and I pushed my way through people to get to him and I pulled him backwards
"Hey!"(Genji) Then his eyes were surprised to see me and he looked at my face and I held the note up and I nodded saying "I like you more than you can imagine."(Jenny) he kissed me so passionately he's exactly as I hope he would be.
For the rest of school he held my hand and he when we got on the bus I sat in he back with Serena and Justin then I saw Enyonam and Chris holding hands sitting in front of us and they kissed. The bus driver dropped off the people who were going to Justin's house and we all hung out there. His house was more like a mansion then a regular house and he had a lot a rooms we all walked into his house and his house was just so big. We all went the living room which was like a 3 master bedrooms combined went to watch a movie Serena and Justin were going to go upstairs.
"If you guys wanna use the guest rooms you can the Maid Taylor will tell you the way."(Justin)
"I might just take you up on that offer."(Genji) as I sat on Genji's lap he lifted me up and started running to the maid.
"Excuse Miss where is a guest room?"(Genji)
"Upstairs top floor first door to your left."(Maid Taylor)
"Thank you!"(Genji)
Genji was running fast and there were 5 stories
"Genji I can run on my own feet you know!"(Jenny)
"Your my queen your feet shouldn't be touching the ground my queen."(Genji)
We found the room and I opened it and Genji finally put me down.
"Oooo pretty..."(Jenny)
"Just like you."(Genji)
I turn around a look at him and smile he walks to me slowly and I walk backwards slowly he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him then we heard loud moaning sound in a distance it sounded like Serena and Justin they get louder each second. They sounded like they were two doors away. Me and Genji started laughing and then kissing as we collapsed on a bed then the rest of the night took us away who knew Genji so was so passionate when it came to love. I felt like I matter to him I looked for my phone in my pocket and saw mom sent me a text.
'Mom❣️🙄' hey Jen I forgot you were at Justin's house with your other friends but u forgot to pack your hygiene and I fix that up for you your welcome
'Me' thank you mom I'll see you later before I leave

I wake next to Genji and I don't how long I slept for but I don't care I'm still naked as I realized to myself I lay in bed back with Genji and his muscles then I wore Genji's shirt and it was very big for me I open the curtains and the sun was shine and I look back at   Genji and he was still sleeping I get back in bed again and lay on my head on him. Genji's hand was in my waist. And he finally woke up he part the hair out of my face.
"Good morning beautiful."(Genji)
"Good morning."(Jenny)
He kissed me good morning then he grinned at me
"Your wearing my shirt and its sexy on you."(Genji)
"Well last night was sexy too."(Jenny)
"Yeah it was."(Genji) he said with a smile on his face "I'm going down stairs to eat something you wanna come?"(Jenny)
"To show you off and prove your mine why yes, yes I would."(Genji) Genji put on his sweatpants and went downstairs shirtless. Then we saw Serena and Justin down the hall and they looked like crackheads to be honest.
"Hey guys."(Jenny)
"You guys look like Crackheads."(Genji)
We saw Enyonam and Chris Enyonam was in his shirt as well 
"Wow you guys are in your boyfriends shirt."(Jenny)
"Same to you Jenny."(Enyonam)
"Whateva. And Serena we're the loudest moaner ever."(Jenny)
"What! if it feels like heaven it feel like heaven there's no harm in that,"(Serena)

To be Continued... AUTHOR NOTE: So this was based off my dream I had and it's still going on but yeah it's really great rn if you don't like the story it's ok I just wanted to write cuz it made a great story it so yea another part maybe tomorrow babes😜💖

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