Chapter 8 - Fragments of the mystery

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Back to Sulin's POV

A little while after

"How are you feeling?" Chan asks me with a warm smile.

"I'm okay, just a little bit dizzy." I reply with a weak smile, struggling to sit up.

"The doctor said that you don't need to stay here, we can bring you back, but you need to rest" mom speaks sweetly with a comforting smile.

"Okay...I need to move my stuff and hang out with Sung and Chan so it's better we go now." I speak as I get ready to stand up.

"Hey! Don't stress yourself, we can hang another time and we'll move your stuff ourselves." Jisung yells a bit with concern.

"No I'm fine Jisung, I don't want to stay in bed it's gonna make things worse." I respond with a serious expression.

"Ok...Just make sure you don't overwork yourself." he utters, giving up because he knows that I can get very stubborn.

I stand up slowly and grasp the edge of the bed to adjust my balance and walk out of the room, my mom on my tail.

"Honey, be careful!" she cries, struggling to catch up with me.

"Yes mommy, I will. By the way, where's the car?" I ask, turning around to face her.

"Come with me, I'll show you." she replies while grabbing my hand.

We enter the elevator and everything is silent, only the sound of the rails can be heard, repeating like a song in my head.

"Mom, I have to tell you something..." I speak carefully, scanning my own words.

"Go ahead Lin, mom is listening." she replies with a comforting tone.

I gulp nervously and inhale deeply.

"One month before Grandma's depart...She told me that story of the Ice prince again...But that time was different, she told me...something I can't believe till now" I say with utter confusion, not really knowing why I'm even telling this to my mom.

"What was it sweetheart?" she asks with concern.

"She told me that....we're descendants of the fiery goddess from that story....Is that true mom?" I ask not believing myself.

"We'll talk about it later Lin, there are things you should know. I didn't expect the time to come so fast." She responds a bit taken aback.

"Okay.." I agree hesitantly, the elevator's door opening in front of us.

"We're here. Let's wait for the others in the car." She says while walking over to our car, me right on her tail.

A few minutes later

We all got in the car as soon as the others reached the parking.

"Y'all attach your seat belts, we're going off." Dad warns us, starting the engine.

We all do so, and sit back comfortably.

As the car moves along the almost empty road, I can't help but to get all nostalgic, thinking about Tracey, the girl who took my side but got assasinated.

I find myself wondering why they choose me, why I was so weak back then. I couldn't even respond to it all, just bursting into tears and running away, showing them that I had no confidence.

"Sulin, what are you thinking about?" Jisung whispers in my ears, and I instantly come back to reality.

"Uhmm..nothing much..just things.." I reply unsure of what to say.

"Don't think too much, if you get another crisis you know what's gonna happen, and we can't afford that." He tells me, referring to the worst thing that could happen to me due to my illness.

I look at him with a smile and nod, getting a slight sight of Chan's face who looks like he was listening, judging from his confused expression.

"If I get into my crisis state more than twice in one day, I can loose my memories or in the worst case...die." I speak, hoping for Chan to get a clearer view of what Sungie said.

"Die..." He repeats in shock, his eyes widening big and he slowly looks at me.

I flash him a bitter smile and sigh "That's how it is, I just gotta be careful."

So I made this chapter short because I felt so bad for not uploading for like a month or so, I was so busy with school matter and I apologize solemnly.
I didn't expect my story to reach 100 reads I was even thinking of removing it but now that's the last thing I'll do.
Thank you for reading this story~

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