makin smores!! :D

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yeah so we ended up making smores cause my sister had the idea to make'em while we were in walmart on a mission to find bathroom mats (which we never found) 

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yeah so we ended up making smores cause my sister had the idea to make'em while we were in walmart on a mission to find bathroom mats (which we never found) 

than i just called my best friend over and we had like a small barbeque and roasted the marshmellows on the grill (the first pic) my sister assembled the smores while gaby (my best friend) was eating some. she managed to eat like 4 smores while i was able to eat like 2, i dont know how she did it but she did.

my mom ate 1 and my sister just ate the marshmellows, even tho she was the one who was complaining that we were making them wrong since we were using a grill, bought all the supplies and wanted to make them the most. so she just ate the roasted marshmellows. 

than there was an point that she was gonna throw a tantrum because it was hot outside. cause one, we were near the grill and two, she decided it would be a good idea to go out in a sweatshirt and fluffy pj pants in summer -_-

over all they were actually really good ^^ 

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