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Dip, stroke, dip, stroke

This is the pattern Elise Goldman has memorized like the back of her hand. She tucked a lock of her cocoa hair behind her ear, before stepping 3 steps back from the canvas. On the blue canvas, was a girl of dark skin, free from any clothing, was curled up in a ball, sitting under a dark hand. The hair, tied up in a bun, rested on the back. The jade eyes stared upwards at the sun, with one hand reaching up. Elise stared at her painting, before smiling and walking to her kitchen to wash the paint of her paintbrush.

Upon washing, she wiped her hands on her denim pants, after placing the brush on the countertop. She dragged her legs back to her art room with her brush to set all her materials back. Fixing her tools, she stared at her painting. The eyes called to her once more, before her phone suddenly started ringing.

Answering the call, she placed the phone on her ear, answering with a hello. The caller replied with sniffs and cries, "Elise, I can't take it anymore!" Bringing the phone closer to her ear, out of worry for her older sister, she replied frantically, "Erika?? Dear, what's wrong?"

The caller, seemingly named Erika, blurted out, "Kent left me, Elise! H-He left me for one of his side chicks!"

Elise inhaled for a moment, calming herself. I should have known, she thought, It was expected. Returning to her calm state, she replied, "Do you want me to come over, honey?"

The caller's whimpers continued, before answering yes. Elise nodded, "I'll be there in 5 minutes, okay?" Erika's gulp could be heard from the call, followed by an ok. Elise then smiled, as if her sister could see her approval. She then mutters a goodbye to her sister before hanging up.

She then walks over to her desk, picked out a rubber band, and did her curly hair to a messy bun. Grabbing the nearest polo shirt she could find, which was hanging from her bed, she walked towards the kitchen. Buttoning down her polo shirt to cover her spaghetti strip top, she then drank a glass of water. After setting the glass on the kitchen countertop, she rummaged through her jean's pocket, she got out her keys and went out of her dorm, with a quick lock.

Off the elevator, to the Nursing dormitory of the campus, she looked around her surroundings. It was a Sunday afternoon, a dreadfully hot day. Maybe a polo shirt wasn't the best choice for weather like this, she thought. Small groups of people lingered around the campus, possibly the bookworms on their way to the library. Although there was a group of popular kids talking in the corner. She pushed her baby hairs back and continued on walking.

Along with walking, she thought about why the campus hasn't paired her up as a roommate with her sister for a dormitory. The system? For everyone to be where they're supposed to be? All in all, each dormitory were lined up at the same corner, divided by which courses its residents take up on. And the problem was, the Arts dormitory was on the left corner, and the Nursing dormitory was the exact opposite.

Once reaching the dormitory, she went on the elevator, and soon walked along the hallway. And so she knocked on the door of her sister's dorm.

The door opened in a flash, with Erika hugging her sister like a pillow. "ELISE!" the cries of the fair girl echoed in the narrow hallway, as Elise pat her sister's back and whispered sweet nothings to her ear. Sometimes, Elise got the feeling that she's older than her sister. Improper way to think of your sister, she thought, ashamed of herself. Although her sister's choice of sweatpants made it seem like they're the exact same person. Well, except for the obvious skin tone difference.

Erika then pushed Elise inside her dormitory, with her roommate watching the scene, tubs of ice cream were on the floor, with a chick flick movie playing on the large TV. "Good day, Ariana," Elise greeted. The roommate waved back, "Hey Elise. We haven't seen in forever. Thank god you're here. Erika's a mess." Somehow, Elise couldn't agree more. "Ari!" Erika screamed at her roommate, who is also her best friend, for the tease. Ariana couldn't help but smile.

Ariana was the complete opposite to the sisters, a girl of burning red hair, dark eyeliner and makeup covered her porcelain face, with the choice of clothing that often makes you think of punks or emo teens. Her pierced ears shone from the light of the curtain, as she continued to eat her rocky road tub of ice cream. Not Elise's choice of ice cream, she would rather have the mild pistachio flavor.

Elise pulled her sister to the sofa, and they both sat down beside Ariana. "Tell me what happened, dearie," Elise told her sister, as she tucked a lock of the girl's long hair behind her ear. "Exactly what I told you on the phone! Kent left me for another one of his chicks! Said she lets him do whatever he wants!" Erika sniffed on her sleeves, before continuing, "Am I a bad girlfriend, Elise?"

Elise shook her head, "No, never, Erika. The real problem is that man. He's been causing you so much suffering." She turned her gaze towards Ariana, who was eating a tub of ice cream, then opened her mouth, "Yeah, Kent's an as-"Elise coughed loudly, stopping Ariana from finishing her sentence, "No need for profanity, Ariana."

"True though," the girl added.

Elise turned back to Erika who was a sniffling mess. "Hey, sweetie, what about we take a trip to the mall? That always cheers you up," she smiled, wiping her sister's damp face with a handkerchief. The fairer girl suddenly stood up, with a determined face and a bright smile on her face, "Yes! I need new makeup and clothes anyway!" The girl then ran up to her room.

"Wow," Ariana murmured.

"Haven't gotten used to it? You've lived with her for about 3 years already." Elise asked her out of curiosity.

"Nope, besides, I hate shopping and she knows."

Elise smiled, "Me too."

Ariana turned to her with hmm, with Elise replying with a chuckle, "Shopping's never been my sport, to begin with." The ginger nodded, "By the way, you look exhausted. Anything been bothering you?" Elise shook her head, as the footsteps came down the stairs.

Erika then came out in a cardigan with black and white checkered patterns connected to a grey A-line skirt, a pair of laced white heels, and a porcelain envelope clutch to tie the look together. She had a cake face, her pouty lips in dark red lipstick, with shimmering blue eye shadow on top of her blue eyes, with her blonde hair long and free. "Ready!" she smiled. The girl grabbed her sister's hand and as she pulled her out of the dorm, she yelled, "See you, Ariana! Good luck with the test tomorrow!" Ariana waved, with Elise waving back. And the door closed.

At the bottom of the dormitory, Erika still tugged on her sister's body to the campus' parking lot. Another thing that separates the sister, as the better respect and acceptance their parents gave to Erika. Their parents honestly disapproved of Elise' course, that is, until Erika tried to talk to them to let Elise choose whatever she wants. Moreover, their parents could never say no to their favorite child. And so, the beautiful silver car gleamed in the parking lot, catching the attention of many bystanders.

For a moment, Elise stopped. Her vision turned from the day to the night. The sunshine turned to rain. A light blinded her, afterward hearing a faint scream. And then...

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