When I woke up Leo was asleep in the chair on the left of my bed, and Dad was on his laptop on the right.

"Hey" I say turning my head to face him.

"Hey, how are you feeling?' he asks closing his laptop.

"Better than I have in weeks" I say smiling

"I'm glad to hear that, oh and I told you so." he says smiling.

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

"I told you he would come back." He taps his head "I am all knowing."

"You're something." I say sitting up.

"Are you using my own lines against me?" He says faking shocked.

"Yupper doodles!" I say smiling at him. "How's Noah?" I ask worried about my youngest, older brother.

Dad's face darkened "He's not awake yet...But he will be, after all I am all knowing." he says trying to lighten up the topic, but he failed.

"Can I go see him?' I ask timidly

"Of course sweetheart, just let me go and get a nurse to make sure you are in good enough condition to be moved." he says staring off into space. This must be so hard on him. With me being in the hospital and Noah being in critical condition. I sigh.

"Um Dad...I'm kind of hungry." I say and then my stomach growls proving how hungry I really am.

"I'll go get a nurse to get you some amazing hospital slop. And ask her about going to see your brother." he says getting up giving me a kiss on the cheek then leaving in search for some crappy food and a nurse. Oh how I hate hospitals.

I sat there not doing much but listening to Leo's faint snoring. Until I wanted to see how bad my face was. So slowly I got out of bed and tip toed to the bathroom. I flicked on the light and walked to the mirror. Where when I saw my face, I gasped.

There was a long scar running from my temple to my chin tracing my jaw line. It wasn't that thick but was clear to see. It was ugly it made me ugly. I took my hair out of the bun and redid it. I brushed my teeth and took a step back from the mirror.

I was ugly, I was fat and I hated it. The black t-shirt that I was wearing helped hide my some of my problem spots, but the scars tracing my arms and jaw made me look cruel. I turned to walk out of the bathroom and walked into a Leo.

"Hey when did you get up?" he asked looking down at me. I was right, he is as tall as my brothers.

"Not that long ago." I mumble looking down.

"What's wrong?" he asks gently placing his hands on ether sides of my arms.

"I'm covered in scars" I say looking up to look him in the eye.


"I'm ugly." I whisper.

"You are everything but ugly, you are beautiful, funny, warm, loving, strong and so much more. Never call yourself ugly." He says wraping his arms fully around me and holding me for a bit. Grabbing me by the hand he leads me back to my bed.

I sat down and sighed. "I'm going to go and see Noah today, would you come with me?" I ask placing my head on his shoulder when he sat down next to me.

"He woke up?" he asks.

"No. I just want to go and see him, but Yoda says that he's getting better for he is all knowing" I say with a laugh and Leo looks at me and arches his eyebrows.

"Yoda was talking to you? May I ask want kind of pain meds they have you on here?" he says resting his cheek on the top of my head.

"Yoda is Dad and he is all knowing, he was right about you coming back. So now in his mind he knows the world's greatest secrets" I say rolling my eyes at my big kid of a Dad.

"He really does love you guys you know." He says it like he is stating a fact.

"I know...Leo where are your parents?" I ask softly my index finger tracing the lines on the palm of his hand.

"My Dad was never really in the picture, he only ever came home drunk. He was hit and killed in a drunk driving accident when I was 15. And my mom...She is with my old pack." He says regret dripping in his voice.

"I'm sorry...Maybe you could call her?" I suggest.

"Maybe one day." He says and I know that this is not a story for today.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask eager to learn about his past.

"3, Logan is my older brother he's 21, then Mia she's 16, and last but not least Suzy, she's only 9." He says smiling softly  "I still talk to them from time to time but haven't seen them in 2 years. I left 2 years ago today."

"Why did you leave?" I wonder aloud.

"After I turned...everyone treated me like I was my Dad. Like I was the one that killed a family in that car crash, just because my wolf looks like his. I turned a week earlier then most wolfs. 1 week from my 16th birthday I turned and everyone treated me different even my own mother. She loved me but, it killed her to see me, I look like him the most out of all of my siblings...So when the message was clear that nobody wanted me around anymore well besides for my family I said good-bye and left." He said and my heart ached for him.

"I'm so sorry." I say and bury my head in his shoulder.

"Why are you sorry? Because I left I found you." He says kissing the top in my head.

"Thank you." I whisper

"Anytime." He says.

"Thank you for saving me." I say

"You don't have to thank me for that" he says softly "Because of it I will never hurt you again, I won't leave, I swear." He says and I can feel our bond growing as mates.

"Leo?" I say unsure about the answer he was going to give me.

"Yes, Ryan?" he replies.

"I have to ask Dad but...I'm sure he would be ok with you joining our pack, would you?" I ask the hold my breath.

"I don't know." He speaks very slowly. I seems as though he is choosing his words extremely carefully. "I've been with Dave and Izzy for so long....And Charlie doesn't really like me....Lets give it a while then see if your family would be okay with me coming and my family would be okay with me leaving."

"They could come too." I say praying that he would say yes.

"Ask your Dad then I'll ask them. Okay?" he says and my stomach growls.

"Dad went to and get some hospital slop like two minutes before you woke up and it's been over a half an hour...What do you think is going on?" I ask just knowing deep down that this is about Noah.

"I don't know, do you want me to go and cheek it out?" Leo asks

"I want to come with you." I say stubbornly.

"Are you sure?" He asks under estimating my strength.

"100%." Say and stand up grabbing the thin blanket off of the bed and wrapping it around me.

"Okay, but take it easy. He says placing his arm around my back.

"Would you like me to use a wheel chair?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yes, I think that s a great idea." He says walking out in to the hall and unfolding the wheel chair and bringing it in for me to sit on.

"You really need to get a sense of humor." I say but sit down in it any way. I might be able to convince him to run down the hall.

He walked us around the floor that I had been staying on and to the elevator, where we meet up with Jess looking overjoyed.

"What's going on?" I ask

"Noah woke up!" She says frantically pushing the up button.

"Do you mean he's up or just better?" I ask making sure that she has all of her facts right.

"I mean he's up and recovering at such a rapid rate he will be in recovery by morning." She says and I look at her watch. 7:04 pm. Noah was out of his coma. The elevator dinged and opened its sidling doors. To reveal floor three, I close my eyes and think of the apology I need to say to Noah but I almost killed him how will he ever be able to forgive me.

A/N- what do you think?????

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